Constraints for a Process and its Activities

A machine that is chosen to execute a task within a process often has to meet certain criteria that make the execution possible, facilitate it or make it more efficient. To include this information into the BPMN representation of a process, PROCEED uses constraints that can apply to a whole process or to an individual task.


Description contains a list of constraint elements of different types (list below)
Attributes version date in milliseconds (optional)
Parent Elements extensionElements
Child elements hardConstraints, softConstraints

There are different categories of constraints to be covered below.

Note: Capabilities of a machine and Roles for user tasks can also be viewed as constraints. They are defined within the respective sections.

Hard vs. Soft Constraints

Hard Constraints

If a constraint absolutely needs to be fulfilled in order for the task to be completed, it is called a hard constraint. Hard constraints are binary, meaning they are either fulfilled or not. Each hardConstraint is represented by one element within a list element hardConstraints of a task or process.


Description contains one or more hardConstraint
Attributes -
Constraints -
Parent Elements processConstraints
Child elements hardConstraint or constraintGroup


Description represents one hard constraint
Attributes timeout (optional, max time to retrieve a value on a machine, default: 10sec)
Constraints -
Parent Elements hardConstraints or constraintGroup
Child elements name,condition, values or hardConstraints

Soft Constraints

Soft constraints are parameters that can make the task execution or process more efficient or secure for example. Contrary to a hard constraint, its absence will not prevent a task from being executed. Besides, soft constraints are non-binary, they can be optimized during task distribution, so that a machine with a favorable combination of hard and soft constraints is chosen.

The creator of the process can assign a weight between 1 and 10 to the constraint to express that certain soft constraints are more important than others.


Description contains one or more softConstraint
Attributes -
Constraints -
Parent Elements processConstraints
Child elements softConstraint


Description represents one soft constraint
Attributes weight(values: 1-10; use: optional), timeout (optional, max time to retrieve a value on a machines, default: 10sec)
Constraints -
Parent Elements softConstraints
Child elements name,condition

Process- vs. Task-Level Constraints

Constraints can apply to all tasks within a given process. In this case, they are defined in the extensionElements tag within the process tag.


      <proceed:processConstraints version="1587405674321">





          <proceed:softConstraint weight="8">



If a constraint is to be applied to a single task within a process, it is defined within the extensionElements tag in the respective task tag.

<bpmn2:task id="Task_1pdn5o1">
      <proceed:processConstraints version="1587405674321">

          <proceed:softConstraint weight="8">


Constraint Parameters


Description the name of a property for a hard or soft constraint. Every constraint which value is a number, can also be a soft constraint
Constraints -
Parent Elements hardConstraint, softConstraint
Child elements


Description condition of a constraint
Attributes -
Constraints hard constraints: &gt; (means: >) , &gt;=, ==, !=, &lt; (means: <) , &lt;=; soft constraints: max, min
Parent Elements hardConstraint, softConstraint
Child elements -


Description Contains one or multiple values either as an OR or as an AND combination
Attributes conjunction (optional, values: “AND” or “OR”, default: OR)
Parent Elements hardConstraint
Child elements only value allowed


Description value of a hard constraint
Attributes unit (optional)
Constraints -
Parent Elements values
Child elements -

Here is the Link to the complete PROCEED XSD file

Combining multiple constraints with AND

If you want that multiple constraints need to be fulfilled, just list every of them in a separate hardConstraint or softConstraint element.



        <!-- AND -->


Combining multiple constraints with OR

If you want that one of multiple constraints needs to be fulfilled, you need to use the constraintGroup element with the conjunction attribute set to “OR”


Description Can contain multiple hardConstraint or constraintGroupReference either as an OR or as an AND combination
Attributes id (required, “cg-” followed by 7 unique characters)
name (optional, description)
conjunction (optional, values: “AND” or “OR”, default: OR)
Parent Elements hardConstraints
Child elements hardConstraint or constraintGroupRef

        <!-- OR -->
        <proceed:constraintGroup id="cg-987sdf1" name="platform constraints" conjunction="OR">




        <!-- AND -->


Complex AND and OR Combinations

For more complex combinations between constraints, e.g. (A AND B) || (C AND D), you can reference the IDs of constraint groups within a constraintGroup.


Description reference the IDs of constraint groups
Attributes ref (id of another constraintGroup)
Parent Elements constraintGroup
Child elements no content or child elements allowed

        <proceed:constraintGroup id="cg-ghj765w" name="platform constraints" conjunction="AND">


        <proceed:constraintGroup id="cg-nji6tf4" conjunction="AND">


        <proceed:constraintGroup id="cg-wercft2" conjunction="OR">
          <proceed:constraintGroupRef ref="cg-ghj765w" />
          <proceed:constraintGroupRef ref="cg-nji6tf4" />


Nesting of Constraints

Some constraints can have additional, optional sub-constraints. For example, we can specify that a Machine needs to reach a remote server, but within a specific time. Therefore we can nest the constraints:


          <!-- Nested Constraints -->
                  <proceed:value unit="ms">50</proceed:value>



Multiple values

Usually it makes only sense, to list every constraint (the value in the name element) only one time. E.g. machine.os.platform should only be used one time, because it is not possible to have the same Engine running on multiple OS concurrently. If constraint is listed multiple times, since it is a line parser, only the last occurence of the constraint will usually be considered.

But there are some constraints that can have multiple values, like machine.input, machine.output, machine.possibleConnectionTo,*, etc. For these there are two variants to use. The first one is often easier to read, but the last one has the possibility to nest other constraints.

Compacted form with multiple <value> inside <values>

It is possible to define different conjunctions: AND and OR



          <!-- Default: OR conjunction-->




          <!-- Explicit AND conjunction-->
          <proceed:values conjunction="AND">



Expanded form with multiple hardConstraint

In comparison to the compacted method, two <hardConstraint> can also have the same constraint name. If this is given their <value> elements must be different. This form is useful because some things are not possible with the previous method, e.g. multiple values with Nested Constraints can only be used in this form.


                  <proceed:value unit="ms">50</proceed:value>

        <!-- AND -->
                  <proceed:value unit="ms">30</proceed:value>


Representation in JSON

Open this to see the full JSON representation
And the corresponding XML

Currently supported Constraints

  • the column “SC” means, if the constraint is usable as Soft Constraint
  • For further details on some of the machine information data structure, see NPM Package Systeminformation
  • Many of the constraints can be stated multiple times in a constraint description, e.g. The conjunction between them is stated in the XML/JSON representation (not with the data type, e.g. not with an array). Please check that no impossible connections are entered, e.g. to execute one activity on two machines – this should always be an OR conjunction.
  • Future: The name of a constraint can also be a JavaScript function that returns a certain value for each device. This value can then be constrained by a condition and value. It can for example contain an API call.

General Machine Constraints

Name (aka “Attribute”) Data Type SC Example Values Explanation UUIDv4 "6bd9c3cf-8164-453a-a039-e8aaf138f192" The Machine with the ID where the process/activity must be executed on. String "Max Laptop" The Machine with the Name where the process/activity must be executed on.
machine.hostname String "max-t480" The Machine with the Hostname where the process/activity must be executed on.
machine.classes Keywords/Strings "Portable", "Static", "Transportation", ... The Machine class(es) where the process/activity must be executed on. The classes of a Machine can be set in its configuration. There are some predefined values (e.g. "Portable" or "Static"), but it can also contain self-defined keywords (e.g. "Transportation", "Drone", etc.).
machine.inputs Keywords/Strings "TouchScreen", "Microphone", "Keyboard", "Numpad", "Camera" Specifies the input device(s) a Machine needs to have for running an activity/process
machine.outputs Keywords/Strings "Screen", "Speaker"

Operating Systems Constraints

Name (aka “Attribute”) Data Type SC Example Values Explanation
machine.os.platform String “linux”
machine.os.distro String “Ubuntu”
machine.os.release String “19.04’”

Processor Constraints

Name (aka “Attribute”) Data Type SC Example Values Explanation
machine.cpu.cores Number 8
machine.cpu.physicalCores Number 4
machine.cpu.processors Number 1
machine.cpu.speed Number in GHz 3.40
machine.cpu .currentLoad Number in Percent 14.799287681304344
machine.cpu .loadLastMinute Number in Percent 14.799287681304344
machine.cpu .loadLastTenMinutes Number in Percent 14.799287681304344
machine.cpu .loadLastHalfHour Number in Percent 14.799287681304344
machine.cpu .loadLastHour Number in Percent 14.799287681304344
machine.cpu .loadLastHalfDay Number in Percent 14.799287681304344
machine.cpu .loadLastDay Number in Percent 14.799287681304344

Memory Constraints

Name (aka “Attribute”) Data Type SC Example Values Explanation Number in Bytes 33474842624 Number in Bytes 22056796160
machine.mem.load Number in Percent Current memory load:

Disk Constraints

Name (aka “Attribute”) Data Type SC Example Values Explanation
machine.disk.type String “HFS”, “FAT32”, “APFS” Number in Bytes 10000 Number in Bytes 2000
machine.disk.used Number in Percent 20

There can be more than one disk on a machine.

Network Constraints

Name (aka “Attribute”) Data Type SC Example Values Explanation Boolean true
machine .possibleConnectionTo IP/DNS address or IP-Addresses (also resolvable via DNS) of other Machines (Server, Websites, IoT devices, etc.) where one of them needs to be reachable for the execution
=> sub constraint: latency (for “possibleConnectionTo”) Number in ms 50 the time a Machnine need for getting an answer from another system String Currently connected Network Interfaces: “wireless”, “wired” String “” String “fe80::57b3:6e29:44d3:6566” String “dc:8b:28:3d:ac:4b” String “” SubNet mask String ffff:ffff:ffff :ffff:0000:0000:0000:0000 SubNet mask

There can be more than one network adapter on a machine.

Other Hardware Constraints

Name (aka “Attribute”) Data Type SC Example Values Explanation
machine.battery.hasBattery Boolean True
machine.battery.percent Number 98
machine.battery.maxCapacity Number 47500000
machine.battery.isCharging Boolean True
machine.battery.timeRemaining Number
machine.battery.acconnected Boolean True
machine.display.currentResX Number 1920
machine.display.currentResY Number 1200

Process Execution Constraints

Name (aka “Attribute”) Data Type SC Example Values Explanation
sameMachine Boolean true\|false Indicates if the complete Process or the Next Flow Node have to continue on the same machine
maxTime Number in seconds -1 Max time a flow node or process is allowed to run on the local Engine. This can restrict a flow node (Flow Node Constraint) or the whole process (Process Constraint).
If the execution time of the flow node or local process has exceeded this value, it then aborts the current token (Flow Node Constraint) or the whole process instance (Process Constraint).
-1 means no timeout,
Attention: Constraints are evaluated after each execution of a flow node inside the Process Router/Decider (for further information, see the wiki). This means, it does not stop the token during execution of a flow node, e.g. an activity, event or waiting gateway - if this is wanted you can attach a BPMN timer event to activities.
maxTimeGlobal Number in seconds -1 Only Process Level: timeout of the global process execution over multiple Machines. It then aborts the whole process instance.
-1 means no timeout
maxTokenStorageTime Number in seconds -1 The time management.js stores a process token for later re-evaluation until it is deleted. The timer is started when the token gets to the reevaluation storage the first time. It is then compared to the timeout value before and after every reevaluation. The timer is reset for every flow node execution.
-1 means no timeout, 0 means no token storage
maxTokenStorageRounds Number -1 The times (rounds) management.js stores a process token for later re-evaluation until it is deleted. A number is set to 1 when the token gets to the reevaluation storage the first time. It is then compared to the value after every reevaluation. The number is reset for every flow node execution.
-1 means no rounds count, 0 means no token storage
maxMachineHops Number -1 The times (rounds) a process is transferred to a next Machine. With every reception the counter is set one up. So even the same Machine can count twice.
-1 means no hops count, 0 means no process storage, 1 execution and storage only on one Machine

Process Participant Constraints

Name (aka “Attribute”) Data Type SC Example Values Explanation String “Max” Number “234640868”
user.role String “Admin”

Location Constraints

Location constraints allocate the process execution to a specific geographical location. They are already indirectly implied by other constraints, e.g., sameMachine,, The main location concept is a very flexible approach, adapted from the hierarchical topic names of MQTT.

Name (aka “Attribute”) Data Type SC Example Values Explanation
machine.homeEnvironment Id of Environment (String) “Env-47430d83-66d6-4d6a-b0ef-2417f1fd3956”
machine.currentEnvironment Id of Environment (String) “snetPROCEEDEnvironment”
machine.domain Hierarchical level of domain name (String)
not case-sensitive, allowed characters for the name: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -_ (no spaces)
Special Characters with meaning:
/ separates the domain levels (not as a leading character on the first place)
+ placeholder for exactly one level
# placeholder for all following levels (always at the end)
Sets the location domain the process/activity can be further executed. This is configured for every machine in its settings.

There is not yet a constraint for direct location identification like GPS coordinates, because this would require the availability of a location sensor. Although it would be possible to easily ignore this constraint if the information can not be queried, it would mislead designers to the assumption that it is widely available. On demand it can be added later.

Error Detection: Rules for Composing multiple Constraints

There are several rules which have to be respected when combining constraints. It is often not possible to combine some constraints or it is not allowed that a constraint has multiple values.

In addition there are some recommendations for constraints which should not be combined. They are not mandatory because in some specific use cases it is possible that are combined with purpose.

Constraint combination Errors

  • For the constraints it is not allowed to contain multiple values with an AND conjunction. This would mean that the process should be deployed to a Machine which has multiple IDs. But this is not possible for an engine to have multiple ids, names or hostnames. E.g.:


          <!-- Not allowed: AND conjunction for constraint with>
          <proceed:values conjunction="AND">


  • When defining constraint groups, there must not appear circular dependencies. These occur when groups reference each other.

        <proceed:constraintGroup id="cg-ghj765w" name="platform constraints" conjunction="AND">
        <proceed:constraintGroupRef ref="cg-nji6tf4" />


        <proceed:constraintGroup id="cg-nji6tf4" conjunction="AND">
        <!-- Not allowed: referencing group cg-ghj765w in which this group was referenced -->
          <proceed:constraintGroupRef ref="cg-ghj765w" />



Constraint combination Warnings

  • It is not recommended to use the constraints, and machine.hostname together in one Constraint definition with an AND conjunction, because this is often just a duplicate and can limit the number of appropriate Machines
    • however, if used intentional, it can specify a very specific Machine


        <!-- This is by an AND conjunction - Not recommended: would be enough -->

  • It is not recommended to use the constraints, and together in one Constraint definition with an AND conjunction, because this is often just a duplicate and can limit the number of appropriate Machines

    • however, if used intentional, it can specify a very specific Machine
  • It is not recommended to use multiple values for the constraints or mac with an AND conjunction.

    • however, if used intentional, it can specify a very specific Machine which has multiple network interfaces and is able to have multiple values


          <!-- Not recommended: AND conjunction means a Machine with multiple network interfaces-->
          <proceed:values conjunction="AND">

