![](/images/bpmn/icons-black/EventStartEmpty.svg) |
Empty Start Event: manual start of a process |
![](/images/bpmn/icons-black/EventIntermediateTimer.svg) |
Intermediate Timer Event: delays the execution by a specified time. |
![](/images/bpmn/icons-black/EventEndEmpty.svg) |
Empty End Event: consumes one token. A process is ended if all tokens are consumed. |
![](/images/bpmn/icons-black/EventEndTerminate.svg) |
Terminate End Event: stops the complete process and consumes all tokens. (Currently only possible on one Engine.) |
![](/images/bpmn/icons-black/GatewayParallel.svg) |
Parallel Gateway (AND) |
![](/images/bpmn/icons-black/GatewayExclusive.svg) |
Exclusive Gateway (XOR) |
![](/images/bpmn/icons-black/GatewayInclusive.svg) |
Inclusive Gateway (OR) |
![](/images/bpmn/icons-black/TaskUser.svg) |
User Task: display HTML pages in a task list. |
![](/images/bpmn/icons-black/TaskScript.svg) |
Script Task: execute Scripts on the Engine. |
![](/images/bpmn/icons-black/TaskSubprocess.svg) |
Subprocess: structure a process with embedded processes. |
![](/images/bpmn/icons-black/TaskCallActivity.svg) |
Call Activities: structure a process by calling other processes. |
![](/images/bpmn/icons-black/EventIntError.svg) |
Attached Boundary Error Event. (Only on Scripts Tasks currently.) |
![](/images/bpmn/icons-black/EventIntEscalationInterrupting.svg) |
Attached Boundary Escalation Event (Interrupting). (Only on Scripts Tasks currently.) |
![](/images/bpmn/icons-black/EventIntEscalationNoninterrupting.svg) |
Attached Boundary Escalation Event (Non-Interrupting). (Only on Scripts Tasks currently.) |
![](/images/bpmn/icons-black/EventBoundaryTimer.svg) |
Attached Timer Event (Interrupting). |
![](/images/bpmn/icons-black/EventBoundaryTimerNonInterrupting.svg) |
Attached Timer Event (Non-Interrupting). |