/* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */
const NativeModule = require('@proceed/native-module');
const os = require('os');
const machineUUID = require('machine-uuid');
const si = require('systeminformation');
const ping = require('ping');
const http = require('http');
const onlineAddresses = ['clients3.google.com', ''];
* @class
class Machine extends NativeModule {
constructor() {
this.commands = ['read_device_info'];
executeCommand(command, args) {
if (command === 'read_device_info') {
return this.getDeviceInfo(args);
return undefined;
* Fetches the device information by using the OS module and systeminformation
* package.
* @param {String[]} args The properties to be read
* @returns {object[]} A single object array containing the result value
async getDeviceInfo(args) {
const [properties] = args;
const deviceInfo = {};
if (properties.includes('hostname')) {
deviceInfo.hostname = os.hostname();
if (properties.includes('id')) {
deviceInfo.id = await machineUUID();
if (properties.includes('os')) {
const osInfo = await si.osInfo();
deviceInfo.os = {
platform: osInfo.platform,
distro: osInfo.distro,
release: osInfo.release,
if (properties.includes('cpu')) {
const cpu = await si.cpu();
const currentLoad = (await si.currentLoad()).currentload;
deviceInfo.cpu = {
cores: cpu.cores,
physicalCores: cpu.physicalCores,
processors: cpu.processors,
speed: cpu.speed,
if (properties.includes('mem')) {
const mem = await si.mem();
const memLoad = 1 - (mem.available / mem.total).toFixed(2);
deviceInfo.mem = {
total: mem.total,
// not mem.free because it it the physical free RAM. But Linux has buffers and caches that are just for performance improvement and can be freed easily. So, free =~ free + buffers/caches
free: mem.available,
// not mem.used, because it includes buffers/cache/slab
used: mem.active,
load: memLoad,
if (properties.includes('disk')) {
const fsSize = await si.fsSize();
const disks = (await si.blockDevices()).filter((device) => device.mount !== '');
deviceInfo.disk = fsSize.map((fss) => {
const disktype = disks.find((disk) => disk.mount === fss.mount);
return {
type: disktype ? disktype.physical : '',
total: fss.size,
free: fss.size - fss.used,
used: fss.used,
if (properties.includes('battery')) {
const battery = await si.battery();
deviceInfo.battery = {
hasBattery: battery.hasbattery,
percent: battery.percent,
maxCapacity: battery.maxcapacity,
if (properties.includes('display')) {
const graphics = await si.graphics();
deviceInfo.display = graphics.displays.map((display) => ({
currentResX: display.currentResX,
currentResY: display.currentResY,
if (properties.includes('network')) {
const network = await si.networkInterfaces();
const interfaces = Object.values(os.networkInterfaces()).flat();
deviceInfo.network = network.map((netw) => {
const _interfacev4 = interfaces.find((_if) => _if.address === netw.ip4);
const _interfacev6 = interfaces.find((_if) => _if.address === netw.ip6);
return {
type: netw.type,
ip4: netw.ip4,
netmaskv4: _interfacev4 !== undefined ? _interfacev4.netmask : '',
netmaskv6: _interfacev6 !== undefined ? _interfacev6.netmask : '',
ip6: netw.ip6,
mac: netw.mac,
if (properties.includes('outputs')) {
const graphics = await si.graphics();
const outputs = graphics.displays.some(
(display) => display.currentResX + display.currentResY > 1
? ['Screen']
: undefined;
deviceInfo.outputs = outputs;
return [deviceInfo];
module.exports = Machine;