(async, inner) addCallActivityReference(bpmn, callActivityId, calledBpmn, calledProcessLocation) → {string|object}
Add meta information of the called bpmn process to the bpmn file where it's getting called from. This includes a custom namespace in the definitions part, an import element as first child of definitions and the calledElement attribute of the call activity bpmn element
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
callActivityId |
String | The ID of the call activity bpmn element |
calledBpmn |
String | The bpmn file of the called process |
calledProcessLocation |
String | The DefinitionId of the calledBpmn. Combination of process name and process id |
the BPMN process as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object based on input
- Type
- string | object
(async, inner) addConstraintsToElement(element, cons)
Adds the given constraint to the given bpmn element
Name | Type | Description |
element |
Object | the bpmn BPMN-Moddle element |
cons |
Object | object containing the hardConstraints and softConstraints |
(async, inner) addConstraintsToElementById(bpmn, elementId, constraints) → {string|object}
Adds the given constraints to the bpmn element with the given id
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
elementId |
string | |
constraints |
Object | object containing the hardConstraints and softConstraints |
the BPMN process as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object based on input
- Type
- string | object
(async, inner) addDocumentation(bpmn, description) → {string|object}
Adds a documentation element to the first process in the process definition
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
description |
string | the content for the documentation element |
the BPMN process as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object based on input
- Type
- string | object
(async, inner) addDocumentationToProcessObject(processObj, description)
Adds documentation to a given process object
Name | Type | Description |
processObj |
Object | |
description |
String |
(async, inner) addSubprocessContentToProcessXML(mainProcessBPMN, subprocessBPMN, subprocessId)
Adds content of a subprocess into the main process in which the subprocess is used
Name | Type | Description |
mainProcessBPMN |
string | the process definition as XML string |
subprocessBPMN |
string | the content of the subprocess as XML string |
subprocessId |
string | ID of the subprocess in which the content should be inserted |
(inner) ensureCorrectProceedNamespace(xml)
Sets the xmlns:proceed attribute in the definitions element of the bpmn to the one expected in our custom schema
This is to make sure that importing the xml with bpmn-moddle will not lead to every proceed element being prefixed with ns0
Name | Type | Description |
xml |
String |
(inner) ensureExtensionElements(element) → {Object}
Returns the extensionElements entry inside the given element (creates one if there isn't one already)
Name | Type | Description |
element |
Object | the element we want the extensionElements entry of |
the extensionElements entry
- Type
- Object
(inner) ensureMetaElement(element) → {Object}
Returns the meta entry inside a given element (creates it if there isn't already one)
Name | Type | Description |
element |
Object | the element we want the meta entry of |
the meta entry
- Type
- Object
(inner) generateBpmnId(prefixopt) → {string}
Generate a new ID for PROCEED BPMN elements
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
prefix |
String |
<optional> |
optional prefix for the id |
short id in the form '0bkz1kb'
- Type
- string
(inner) generateDefinitionsId() → {string}
Generate a new ID for the 'definitions' element in a PROCEED process
a new PROCEED definitions 'id'
- Type
- string
(inner) generateUserTaskFileName()
Generates the 'fileName' attribute string of a PROCEED UserTask
A new 'filename' value
(async, inner) getAllBpmnFlowElementIds(bpmn) → {Promise.<Array.<String>>}
Gets the Id of every Task|Event|Gateway|CallActivity|SubProcess|SequenceFlow inside a BPMN process
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
Ids of every element inside a BPMN process
- Type
- Promise.<Array.<String>>
(async, inner) getAllBpmnFlowElements(bpmn) → {Promise.<Array.<object>>}
Gets every Task|Event|Gateway|CallActivity|SubProcess|SequenceFlow inside a BPMN process
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
every element inside a BPMN process
- Type
- Promise.<Array.<object>>
(async, inner) getAllBpmnFlowNodeIds(bpmn) → {Promise.<Array.<String>>}
Gets the Id of every Task|Event|Gateway|CallActivity|SubProcess inside a BPMN process
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
Ids of every element inside a BPMN process
- Type
- Promise.<Array.<String>>
(inner) getAllElements(travObj) → {array}
A function that given a traversable object returns all occurences
Name | Type | Description |
travObj |
object | the object we want to search in |
- all nodes within the object
- Type
- array
(async, inner) getAllUserTaskFileNamesAndUserTaskIdsMapping(bpmn) → {Promise.<{'': ''}>}
Creates a map (object) that contains the 'fileName' (key) and UserTask-IDs (value) for every UserTask in a BPMN process.
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
A map (object) that returns for every UserTask the 'fileName' (key) and UserTask-IDs (value)
- Type
': ' '}>
(inner) getChildren(travObj) → {array}
Finds all kinds of childnodes in a given node
Name | Type | Description |
travObj |
object | object of which we want to know the childnodes |
all childnodes of the given node
- Type
- array
(async, inner) getChildrenFlowElements(bpmn) → {Promise.<Array.<object>>}
Gets first-level child flow Elements Task|Event|Gateway|CallActivity|SubProcess|SequenceFlow of a process/subprocess
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
every child element inside a process/subprocess
- Type
- Promise.<Array.<object>>
(async, inner) getDefinitionsAndProcessIdForEveryCallActivity(bpmn) → {Promise.<{'': {definitionId: string, processId: string}}>}
Get all definitionIds for all imported Processes used in callActivities
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
see function: getTargetDefinitionsAndProcessIdForCallActivityByObject
an object (a map) with all callActivityIds as keys
- Type
': {definitionId: string, processId: string}}>
(async, inner) getDefinitionsId(bpmn) → {Promise.<string>}
Returns id of the given process definition
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
The id stored in the definitions field of the given bpmn process
- Type
- Promise.<string>
(async, inner) getDefinitionsInfos(bpmn) → {Promise.<DefinitionsInfos>}
Gets the 'definitions' root element from the given BPMN XML
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
The 'definitions' root element with some selected attributes
- Type
- Promise.<DefinitionsInfos>
(async, inner) getDefinitionsName(bpmn) → {Promise.<string>}
Returns the name of the given bpmn process definition
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
- The name stored in the definitions field of the given bpmn process
- Type
- Promise.<string>
(async, inner) getDeploymentMethod(bpmn) → {Promise.<string>}
Gets deployment method of the given process
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
the deployment method used for the given process
- Type
- Promise.<string>
(inner) getElementById(travObj, id) → {object|undefined}
A function that given a traversable object returns the nested object with the given id
Name | Type | Description |
travObj |
object | the object we want to search in |
id |
string | the id of the object we want to find |
- returns the found object or undefined when no matching object was found
- Type
- object | undefined
(inner) getElementDI(element, definitionsopt)
Gets the diagram element for the given model element
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
element |
Object | the model element |
definitions |
Object |
<optional> |
the definitions object to search in |
(async, inner) getElementMachineMapping(bpmn) → {Promise.<Object>}
Returns a mapping of the ids of the process nodes to the machines they are mapped to
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
the mapping from a node id to information about the machine it is mapped to
- Type
- Promise.<Object>
(inner) getElementsByTagName(travObj, tagname) → {array}
A function that given a traversable object returns all occurences of a given tagName
Name | Type | Description |
travObj |
object | the object we want to search in |
tagname |
string | the name we are searching for |
- all nodes with the given tagName
- Type
- array
(inner) getExporterName() → {string}
Exporter name is used in the bpmn definitions parts
static exporter name
- Type
- string
(inner) getExporterVersion() → {string}
Exporter version is used in the bpmn definitions parts
This version should be adjusted when this module (bpmn-helper) changes or any changes in the management-system occur regarding the export
static exporter version
- Type
- string
(async, inner) getIdentifyingInfos(bpmn) → {Promise.<{id: String, originalId: String, processIds: Array.<String>, name: String, description: String}>}
Returns information about the process that can be used to identify it
e.g. its unique id, original id and processIds for automatic identification and its name and description for human identification
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
object containing the identifying information
- Type
- Promise.<{id: String, originalId: String, processIds: Array.<String>, name: String, description: String}>
(async, inner) getImports(bpmn) → {Promise.<Array.<Object>>}
Returns an array of import elements for a given bpmn xml
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
- Arry of of import elements inside the given xml
- Type
- Promise.<Array.<Object>>
(inner) getLocationsFromElement(element) → {Object}
Parses the locations from a bpmn-moddle element
Name | Type | Description |
element |
Object |
object with all locations
- Type
- Object
(async, inner) getMetaData(bpmn, elId) → {object}
Get the meta information of an element
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
elId |
String | the id of the element to update |
the meta information
- Type
- object
(inner) getMetaDataFromElement(element) → {Object}
Parses the meta data from a bpmn-moddle element
Name | Type | Description |
element |
Object |
key value list of meta values
- Type
- Object
(inner) getMilestonesFromElement(element) → {Array}
Parses the milestones from a bpmn-moddle element
Name | Type | Description |
element |
Object |
array with all milestones
- Type
- Array
(async, inner) getMilestonesFromElementById(bpmn, elementId) → {Array}
Get the milestones for given element id
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
elementId |
String | the id of the element |
array with all milestones
- Type
- Array
(async, inner) getOriginalDefinitionsId(bpmn) → {Promise.<string>|Promise.<undefined>}
Returns the value of the originalId attribute in the given process definition the originalId is the id the process had before it was imported
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
The originalId stored in the definitions field of the given bpmn process
- Type
- Promise.<string> | Promise.<undefined>
(async, inner) getProcessConstraints(bpmn) → {Promise.<{hardConstraints: Array, softConstraints: Array}>}
Get the Constraints of the BPMN process. (The Constraint XML elements are defined in the PROCEED XML Schema and are not standardized in BPMN.)
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
- Source:
- See:
An Object (a map) where all keys are the BPMN element ids and the value is an object with the hard and soft Constraint Arrays
- Type
- Promise.<{hardConstraints: Array, softConstraints: Array}>
(async, inner) getProcessDocumentation(bpmn) → {Promise.<String>}
Get the content of the 'documentation' element of the first process inside a BPMN file.
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
the documentation content
- Type
- Promise.<String>
(inner) getProcessDocumentationByObject(processObject) → {String}
Get the content of the 'documentation' element of the given process object.
Name | Type | Description |
processObject |
Object | a process element as BPMN-Moddle Object |
the documentation content
- Type
- String
(async, inner) getProcessIds(bpmn) → {Promise.<Array.<String>>}
Get all process ids from a BPMN definitions/object. (A BPMN file can contain multiple 'process' elements inside its 'definitions' element.)
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
An Array with Strings containing all IDs from every 'process' element
- Type
- Promise.<Array.<String>>
(inner) getResourcesFromElement(element) → {Object}
Parses the resources from a bpmn-moddle element
Name | Type | Description |
element |
Object |
object with all resources
- Type
- Object
(inner) getRootFromElement(businessObject)
Returns the definitions object of the process
Name | Type | Description |
businessObject |
Object | the businessObject of a process element |
(async, inner) getStartEvents(bpmn) → {Promise.<Array.<String>>}
Function that returns ids of all start events in a bpmn process model
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
the ids of all startEvents
- Type
- Promise.<Array.<String>>
(async, inner) getSubprocess(bpmn, subprocessId) → {Promise.<string>}
Returns a xml with Diagram Elements just from the given subprocess and their nested Processes
Structure of XMl: Defintions
- Process
- FlowElements of the Process (BPMN Part)
- Process End
- Diagram (How to visualize the XML in the viewer) Definitions End
This function only remove all Diagram Parts that are not part of the subprocess - the flowElements are still part of the xml
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
subprocessId |
string | id of subprocess you want to show |
BPMN xml with only diagram parts for the subprocess
- Type
- Promise.<string>
(async, inner) getSubprocessContent(bpmn, subprocessId) → {string}
Returns a xml with elements inside given subprocess
Structure of XMl: Defintions
- Process -FlowElements of the Process (BPMN Part)
- Process End
- Diagram (How to visualize the XML in the viewer) Definitions End
This function removes all Diagram Parts and flowElements that are not part of the subprocess
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | the process definition of the main process as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
subprocessId |
string | id of subprocess you want to show |
- xml with only flowElements and diagram parts inside the subprocess
- Type
- string
(inner) getTargetDefinitionsAndProcessIdForCallActivityByObject(bpmnObj, callActivityId) → {Object}
Get the definitionId and processId of a target called process (callActivity)
Name | Type | Description |
bpmnObj |
Object | The BPMN XML as converted bpmn-moddle object with toBpmnObject |
callActivityId |
string | The id of the callActivity |
- Source:
- See:
An Error if the callActivity id does not exist
If the callActivity has no 'calledElement' attribute
If the targetNamespace for a callActivity could not be found
If no import element could be found for a targetNamespace
An Object with the definition and process id
- Type
- Object
(async, inner) getTaskConstraintMapping(bpmn) → {Promise.<{'': {hardConstraints: Array, softConstraints: Array}}>}
Get all Constraints for every BPMN Element. (The Constraint XML elements are defined in the PROCEED XML Schema and are not standardized in BPMN.)
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
- Source:
- See:
An Object (a map) where all keys are the BPMN element ids and the value is an object with the hard and soft Constraint Arrays
- Type
': {hardConstraints: Array, softConstraints: Array}}>
(async, inner) getUserTaskFileNameMapping(bpmn) → {Promise.<{'': {fileName: string, implementation: string}}>}
Get all fileName for all userTasks, (The attribute 'filename' is defined in the PROCEED XML Schema and not a standard BPMN attribute.)
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
an object (a map) with all userTaskIds as keys
- Type
': {fileName: string, implementation: string}}>
(inner) getUserTaskImplementationString() → {String}
Return the string for the 'implementation' attribute in a UserTask
URL of the HTML spec
- Type
- String
(inner) initXml(processId, startEventId) → {String}
Creates a minimal valid proceed bpmn
Name | Type | Description |
processId |
* | the id to use for the contained process |
startEventId |
String | the id to use for the start event |
a minimal valid proceed bpmn
- Type
- String
(async, inner) manipulateElementById(bpmn, id, manipFunc) → {object|Promise.<string>}
Function that changes an element in the given xml using the given manipulation function
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
id |
string | the id of the element that should be changed |
manipFunc |
manipulationFunction | the function that will be used to change the element |
the BPMN process as bpmn-moddle object or XML string based on input
- Type
- object | Promise.<string>
(async, inner) manipulateElementsByTagName(bpmn, tagName, manipFunc) → {object|Promise.<string>}
Function that changes all elements in the given xml with the given tagname using the given function
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
tagName |
string | the tagname of the elements we want to change, starts with 'bpmn:', e.g. 'bpmn:Definitions' |
manipFunc |
manipulationFunction | the function that gets called on each element with a forEach-Loop |
the BPMN process as bpmn-moddle object or XML string based on input
- Type
- object | Promise.<string>
(async, inner) removeCallActivityReference(bpmn, callActivityId) → {string|object}
Remove the reference to the called process added in addCallActivityReference but remains the actual bpmn element
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
callActivityId |
String | The ID of the bpmn element for which the meta information should be removed |
the BPMN process as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object based on input
- Type
- string | object
(async, inner) removeUnusedCallActivityReferences(bpmn) → {string|object}
Look up the given bpmn document for unused imports/custom namespaces which don't get referenced by a call activity inside this bpmn document.
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
the BPMN process as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object based on input
- Type
- string | object
(async, inner) setDefinitionsId(bpmn, id) → {object|Promise.<string>}
Sets id in definitions element to given id, if an id already exists and differs from the new one the old id will be saved in the originalId field
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
id |
string | the id we want to set the definitions element to |
the modified BPMN process as bpmn-moddle object or XML string based on input
- Type
- object | Promise.<string>
(async, inner) setDefinitionsName(bpmn, name) → {object|Promise.<string>}
Sets name in definitions element to given name
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
name |
string | the id we want to set the definitions element to |
the modified BPMN process as bpmn-moddle object or XML string based on input
- Type
- object | Promise.<string>
(async, inner) setDeploymentMethod(bpmn, method) → {object|Promise.<string>}
Sets deployment method of a process
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
method |
string | the method we want to set (dynamic/static) |
the modified BPMN process as bpmn-moddle object or XML string based on input
- Type
- object | Promise.<string>
(async, inner) setMachineInfo(bpmn, machineInfo) → {string|object}
Function that sets the machineInfo of all elements in the given xml with the given machineIds
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
machineInfo |
Array.<Object> | the machineAddresses and machineIps of all the elements we want to set |
the BPMN process as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object based on input
- Type
- string | object
(async, inner) setMetaData(bpmn, elId, metaValues) → {string|object}
Updates the Meta Information of an element
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
elId |
String | the id of the element to update |
metaValues |
Object | the meta data values to set |
the BPMN process as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object based on input
- Type
- string | object
(inner) setMetaDataInMetaElement(meta, type, value, moddle) → {undefined|Object}
Changes/Adds an element inside a proceed:Meta element
might be either a specific meta element like proceed:costsPlanned or a generic meta value defined inside a proceed:property element
Name | Type | Description |
meta |
Object | the meta element to make changes in |
type |
String | the type of meta value we want to change |
value |
String | Object | either a string representing the value inside the final elements body or an already complete element represented by an object |
moddle |
Object | a bpmn-moddle instance to create elements with |
the previous value stored under the given meta type
- Type
- undefined | Object
(async, inner) setProcessId(bpmn, id) → {string}
Sets name in definitions element to given name
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | the xml we want to update |
id |
string | the id we want to set for the process inside the bpmn |
the modified BPMN process as bpmn-moddle object or XML string based on input
- Type
- string
(async, inner) setStandardDefinitions(bpmn, exporterName, exporterVersion) → {object|Promise.<string>}
Sets exporter, exporterVersion, expressionLanguage, typeLanguage and needed namespaces on defintions element stores the previous values of exporter and exporterVersion if there are any
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
exporterName |
String | the exporter name |
exporterVersion |
String | the exporter version |
the modified BPMN process as bpmn-moddle object or XML string based on input
- Type
- object | Promise.<string>
(async, inner) setTargetNamespace(bpmn, id) → {object|Promise.<string>}
Sets targetNamespace in definitions element to${id}, keeps existing namespace as originalTargetNamespace
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
id |
string | the id to be used for the targetNamespace |
the modified BPMN process as bpmn-moddle object or XML string based on input
- Type
- object | Promise.<string>
(async, inner) setUserTaskData(bpmn, userTaskId, newFileName, newImplementationopt) → {string|object}
Sets the 'fileName' and 'implementation' attributes of a UserTask with new values.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
bpmn |
string | object | the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object |
userTaskId |
string | the userTaskId to look for |
newFileName |
string | the new value of 'fileName' attribute |
newImplementation |
string |
<optional> |
the new value of 'implementation' attribute; will default to html implementation |
the BPMN process as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object based on input
- Type
- string | object
(inner) toBpmnObject(xml, typenameopt) → {Promise.<Object>}
Function that converts the given XML to a traversable object representation
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
xml |
string | the BPMN XML that should be converted |
typename |
string |
<optional> |
name of the root element, optional |
if the given string is not an XML
- Type
- Error
if the given XML can not be converted to a bpmn-moddle object (multiple possible reasons)
- Type
- Error
a traversable object representation of the given XML
- Type
- Promise.<Object>
(inner) toBpmnXml(bpmn) → {Promise.<string>}
Function that converts the given bpmn object to xml
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn |
Object | traversable object representation |
a xml representation of the given object
- Type
- Promise.<string>
(async, inner) validateCalledProcess(xml, processId)
Checks if a process referenced in a call activity contains only a single non-typed start event
Name | Type | Description |
xml |
String | |
processId |
String |
Type Definitions
An object containing properties from the definitions element in a BPMN file.
- object
Name | Type | Description |
id |
string | definitions id |
name |
string | definitions name |
exporter |
string | definitions exporter |
exporterVersion |
string | definitions exporterVersion |
targetNamespace |
string | definitions targetNamespace |
Name | Type | Description |
bpmn-moddle-element |
object | the element return by searching the bpmn-moddle process |