Source: helper-modules/bpmn-helper/src/setters.js

const {
} = require('./util.js');

const {
} = require('./PROCEED-CONSTANTS.js');

const ConstraintParser = require('@proceed/constraint-parser-xml-json');

const constraintParser = new ConstraintParser();

 * @module @proceed/bpmn-helper

 *  Sets id in definitions element to given id, if an id already exists and differs from the new one the old id will be saved in the originalId field
 * @param {(string|object)} bpmn - the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object
 * @param {string} id - the id we want to set the definitions element to
 * @returns {(object|Promise<string>)} the modified BPMN process as bpmn-moddle object or XML string based on input
async function setDefinitionsId(bpmn, id) {
  return await manipulateElementsByTagName(bpmn, 'bpmn:Definitions', (definitions) => {
    // store the current id as originalId if there is one and we provide a new one
    if (id && && !== id) {
      definitions.originalId =;
    } = id;

 *  Sets name in definitions element to given name
 * @param {(string|object)} bpmn - the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object
 * @param {string} name - the id we want to set the definitions element to
 * @returns {(object|Promise<string>)} the modified BPMN process as bpmn-moddle object or XML string based on input
async function setDefinitionsName(bpmn, name) {
  return await manipulateElementsByTagName(bpmn, 'bpmn:Definitions', (definitions) => { = `${name}`;

 *  Sets name in definitions element to given name
 * @param {string} bpmn the xml we want to update
 * @param {string} id the id we want to set for the process inside the bpmn
 * @returns {string} the modified BPMN process as bpmn-moddle object or XML string based on input
async function setProcessId(bpmn, id) {
  return await manipulateElementsByTagName(bpmn, 'bpmn:Process', (process) => { = `${id}`;

async function setTemplateId(bpmn, id) {
  return await manipulateElementsByTagName(bpmn, 'bpmn:Definitions', (definitions) => {
    definitions.templateId = `${id}`;

 * Sets targetNamespace in definitions element to${id}, keeps existing namespace as originalTargetNamespace
 * @param {(string|object)} bpmn the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object
 * @param {string} id the id to be used for the targetNamespace
 * @returns {(object|Promise<string>)} the modified BPMN process as bpmn-moddle object or XML string based on input
async function setTargetNamespace(bpmn, id) {
  return await manipulateElementsByTagName(bpmn, 'bpmn:Definitions', (definitions) => {
    if (id) {
      const targetNamespace = generateTargetNamespace(id);

      if (definitions.targetNamespace && definitions.targetNamespace !== targetNamespace) {
        definitions.originalTargetNamespace = definitions.targetNamespace;

      definitions.targetNamespace = targetNamespace;
    } else {
      definitions.targetNamespace = undefined;

 * Sets exporter, exporterVersion, expressionLanguage, typeLanguage and needed namespaces on defintions element
 * stores the previous values of exporter and exporterVersion if there are any
 * @param {(string|object)} bpmn the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object
 * @param {String} exporterName - the exporter name
 * @param {String} exporterVersion - the exporter version
 * @returns {(object|Promise<string>)} the modified BPMN process as bpmn-moddle object or XML string based on input
async function setStandardDefinitions(bpmn, exporterName, exporterVersion) {
  return await manipulateElementsByTagName(bpmn, 'bpmn:Definitions', (definitions) => {
    if (definitions.exporter && definitions.exporter !== exporterName) {
      definitions.originalExporter = definitions.exporter;
      definitions.originalExporterVersion = definitions.exporterVersion;

    if (definitions.exporterVersion && definitions.exporterVersion !== exporterVersion) {
      definitions.originalExporterVersion = definitions.exporterVersion;

    definitions.exporter = exporterName;
    definitions.exporterVersion = exporterVersion;
    definitions.expressionLanguage = '';
    definitions.typeLanguage =
    if (typeof definitions.$attrs != 'object') definitions.$attrs = {};
    delete definitions.$attrs['xmlns:bpmn'];
    definitions.$attrs['xmlns'] = '';
    definitions.$attrs['xmlns:proceed'] = '';

    const proceedXSIs = [

    if (typeof definitions.$attrs['xmlns:xsd'] !== 'string') {
      definitions.$attrs['xmlns:xsd'] = '';

    if (typeof definitions.$attrs['xsi:schemaLocation'] !== 'string') {
      definitions.$attrs['xsi:schemaLocation'] = '';

    if (typeof definitions.creatorEnvironmentId !== 'string') {
      definitions.creatorEnvironmentId = '';

    if (typeof definitions.creatorEnvironmentName !== 'string') {
      definitions.creatorEnvironmentName = '';

    for (const xsi of proceedXSIs) {
      if (!definitions.$attrs['xsi:schemaLocation'].includes(xsi)) {
        definitions.$attrs['xsi:schemaLocation'] += ' ' + xsi;

    definitions.$attrs['xsi:schemaLocation'] = definitions.$attrs['xsi:schemaLocation'].trim();

 * Sets deployment method of a process
 * @param {(string|object)} bpmn the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object
 * @param {string} method the method we want to set (dynamic/static)
 * @returns {(object|Promise<string>)} the modified BPMN process as bpmn-moddle object or XML string based on input
async function setDeploymentMethod(bpmn, method) {
  return await manipulateElementsByTagName(bpmn, 'bpmn:Process', (process) => {
    process.deploymentMethod = method;

 * Sets the 'fileName' and 'implementation' attributes of a UserTask with new values.
 * @param {(string|object)} bpmn - the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object
 * @param {string} userTaskId - the userTaskId to look for
 * @param {string} newFileName - the new value of 'fileName' attribute
 * @param {string} [newImplementation] - the new value of 'implementation' attribute; will default to html implementation
 * @returns {(string|object)} the BPMN process as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object based on input
async function setUserTaskData(
  newImplementation = getUserTaskImplementationString()
) {
  return await manipulateElementById(bpmn, userTaskId, (userTask) => {
    userTask.fileName = newFileName;
    userTask.implementation = newImplementation;

 * Function that sets the machineInfo of all elements in the given xml with the given machineIds
 * @param {(string|object)} bpmn - the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object
 * @param {Object[]} machineInfo the machineAddresses and machineIps of all the elements we want to set
 * @returns {(string|object)} the BPMN process as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object based on input
async function setMachineInfo(bpmn, machineInfo) {
  const bpmnObj = typeof bpmn === 'string' ? await toBpmnObject(bpmn) : bpmn;

  const elementIds = Object.keys(machineInfo);
  elementIds.forEach(async (elementId) => {
    const element = getElementById(bpmnObj, elementId);
    element.machineAddress = machineInfo[elementId].machineAddress;
    element.machineId = machineInfo[elementId].machineId;

  return typeof bpmn === 'string' ? await toBpmnXml(bpmnObj) : bpmnObj;

 * Adds the given constraint to the given bpmn element
 * @param {Object} element the bpmn BPMN-Moddle element
 * @param {Object} cons object containing the hardConstraints and softConstraints
async function addConstraintsToElement(element, cons) {
  if (element) {
    let { extensionElements } = element;

    if (!extensionElements) {
      extensionElements = moddle.create('bpmn:ExtensionElements');
      extensionElements.values = [];
      element.extensionElements = extensionElements;

    if (!extensionElements.values) {
      extensionElements.values = [];

    extensionElements.values = extensionElements.values.filter(
      (child) => child.$type !== 'proceed:ProcessConstraints'

    if (cons) {
      const { hardConstraints, softConstraints } = cons;
      const constraints = { processConstraints: { hardConstraints, softConstraints } };
      let constraintXML = constraintParser.fromJsToXml(constraints);
      constraintXML = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <bpmn2:extensionElements xmlns:bpmn2="" xmlns:proceed="">
      const constraintObj = await toBpmnObject(constraintXML, 'bpmn:ExtensionElements');

 * Adds the given constraints to the bpmn element with the given id
 * @param {(string|object)} bpmn - the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object
 * @param {string} elementId
 * @param {Object} constraints object containing the hardConstraints and softConstraints
 * @returns {(string|object)} the BPMN process as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object based on input
async function addConstraintsToElementById(bpmn, elementId, constraints) {
  const bpmnObj = typeof bpmn === 'string' ? await toBpmnObject(bpmn) : bpmn;
  await addConstraintsToElement(getElementById(bpmnObj, elementId), constraints);
  return typeof bpmn === 'string' ? await toBpmnXml(bpmnObj) : bpmnObj;

 * Add meta information of the called bpmn process to the bpmn file where it's getting called from. This includes a custom namespace in the definitions part,
 * an import element as first child of definitions and the calledElement attribute of the call activity bpmn element
 * @param {(string|object)} bpmn - the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object
 * @param {String} callActivityId The ID of the call activity bpmn element
 * @param {String} calledBpmn The bpmn file of the called process
 * @param {String} calledProcessLocation The DefinitionId of the calledBpmn. Combination of process name and process id
 * @returns {(string|object)} the BPMN process as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object based on input
async function addCallActivityReference(bpmn, callActivityId, calledBpmn, calledProcessLocation) {
  // checks if there is already a reference for this call activity and remove it with all related informations (namespace definitions/imports)
  const bpmnObj = typeof bpmn === 'string' ? await toBpmnObject(bpmn) : bpmn;
  const callActivity = await getElementById(bpmnObj, callActivityId);
  if (callActivity.calledElement) {
    await removeCallActivityReference(bpmnObj, callActivityId);

  // Retrieving all necessary informations from the called bpmn
  const calledBpmnObject = await toBpmnObject(calledBpmn);
  const [calledBpmnDefinitions] = getElementsByTagName(calledBpmnObject, 'bpmn:Definitions');
  const [calledProcess] = getElementsByTagName(calledBpmnObject, 'bpmn:Process');
  const targetNamespace = calledBpmnDefinitions.targetNamespace;

  // Construct namespace in format p+(last 5 chars from the imported namespace), for example 'p33c24'
  const nameSpacePrefix = 'p' + targetNamespace.substring(targetNamespace.length - 5);

  // Adding the prefixed namespace attribute and the import child-element to the definitions
  await manipulateElementsByTagName(bpmnObj, 'bpmn:Definitions', (definitions) => {
    definitions.$attrs[`xmlns:${nameSpacePrefix}`] = targetNamespace;

    if (!Array.isArray(definitions.imports)) {
      definitions.imports = [];

    // Checks if there is no import element with the same namespace
    const processImport = definitions.imports.find(
      (element) => element.namespace === targetNamespace

    if (!processImport) {
      let importElement = moddle.create('bpmn:Import');
      importElement.namespace = targetNamespace;
      importElement.location = calledProcessLocation;
      importElement.importType = '';

    } else {
      // update process location which might have changed
      processImport.location = calledProcessLocation;

  // Adding the desired information to the bpmn call activity element
  await manipulateElementById(bpmnObj, callActivityId, (callActivity) => {
    callActivity.calledElement = `${nameSpacePrefix}:${}`; =;

  return typeof bpmn === 'string' ? await toBpmnXml(bpmnObj) : bpmnObj;

 * Remove the reference to the called process added in {@link addCallActivityReference} but remains the actual bpmn element
 * @param {(string|object)} bpmn - the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object
 * @param {String} callActivityId The ID of the bpmn element for which the meta information should be removed
 * @returns {(string|object)} the BPMN process as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object based on input
async function removeCallActivityReference(bpmn, callActivityId) {
  const bpmnObj = typeof bpmn === 'string' ? await toBpmnObject(bpmn) : bpmn;
  const callActivityElement = getElementById(bpmnObj, callActivityId);

  if (typeof callActivityElement.calledElement !== 'string') {
    return bpmn;

  // deconstruct 'p33c24:_e069937f-27b6-464b-b397-b88a2599f1b9' to 'p33c24'
  const [prefix, processId] = callActivityElement.calledElement.split(':');

  // remove the reference values from the call activity
  await manipulateElementById(bpmnObj, callActivityId, (callActivity) => {
    delete callActivity.calledElement; = '';

  const callActivities = getElementsByTagName(bpmnObj, 'bpmn:CallActivity').filter(
    (callActivity) => typeof callActivity.calledElement === 'string'

  // remove import and namespace in definitions if there is no other call activity referencing the same process
  if (callActivities.every((callActivity) => !callActivity.calledElement.startsWith(prefix))) {
    await manipulateElementsByTagName(bpmnObj, 'bpmn:Definitions', (definitions) => {
      const importedNamespace = definitions.$attrs[`xmlns:${prefix}`];
      delete definitions.$attrs[`xmlns:${prefix}`];

      if (Array.isArray(definitions.imports)) {
        definitions.imports = definitions.imports.filter(
          (element) => element.namespace !== importedNamespace
  return typeof bpmn === 'string' ? await toBpmnXml(bpmnObj) : bpmnObj;

 * Look up the given bpmn document for unused imports/custom namespaces which don't get referenced by a call activity inside this bpmn document.
 * @param {(string|object)} bpmn - the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object
 * @returns {(string|object)} the BPMN process as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object based on input
async function removeUnusedCallActivityReferences(bpmn) {
  const bpmnObj = typeof bpmn === 'string' ? await toBpmnObject(bpmn) : bpmn;
  const callActivityElements = getElementsByTagName(bpmnObj, 'bpmn:CallActivity').filter(
    (element) => element.calledElement

  await manipulateElementsByTagName(bpmnObj, 'bpmn:Definitions', (definitions) => {
    // there can only be imports and namespaces for non-existent CallActivities if there are actual imports existent and if there are more imports than call activities
    if (Array.isArray(definitions.imports)) {
      // will be used for comparison later
      const importedNamespaces =
        (importElement) => importElement.namespace

      // iterate over all custom namespaces
      for (const key in definitions.$attrs) {
        // filter namespaces that occur in the imported namespaces
        if (importedNamespaces.includes(definitions.$attrs[key])) {
          // deconstruct 'xmlns:p33c24' to 'p33c24'
          const [_, prefix] = key.split(':');

          // checks if there is no actual call activity with this prefix in the calledElement attribute
          if (
            !callActivityElements.some((callActivityElement) =>
          ) {
            // remove the unused import element
            definitions.imports = definitions.imports.filter(
              (element) => element.namespace !== definitions.$attrs[key]
            // remove the unused namespace in definitions
            delete definitions.$attrs[key];

  return typeof bpmn === 'string' ? await toBpmnXml(bpmnObj) : bpmnObj;

 * Adds a documentation element to the first process in the process definition
 * @param {(string|object)} bpmn - the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object
 * @param {string} description the content for the documentation element
 * @returns {(string|object)} the BPMN process as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object based on input
async function addDocumentation(bpmn, description) {
  const bpmnObj = typeof bpmn === 'string' ? await toBpmnObject(bpmn) : bpmn;
  const [process] = getElementsByTagName(bpmnObj, 'bpmn:Process');

  if (!process) {
    return bpmn;
  addDocumentationToProcessObject(process, description);

  return typeof bpmn === 'string' ? await toBpmnXml(bpmnObj) : bpmnObj;

 * Adds documentation to a given process object
 * @param {Object} processObj
 * @param {String} description
async function addDocumentationToProcessObject(processObj, description) {
  const docs = processObj.get('documentation');
  const documentation = moddle.create('bpmn:Documentation', { text: description || '' });
  if (docs.length > 0) {
    docs[0] = documentation;
  } else {

 * Adds content of a subprocess into the main process in which the subprocess is used
 * @param {string} mainProcessBPMN - the process definition as XML string
 * @param {string} subprocessBPMN - the content of the subprocess as XML string
 * @param {string} subprocessId - ID of the subprocess in which the content should be inserted
async function addSubprocessContentToProcessXML(mainProcessBPMN, subprocessBPMN, subprocessId) {
  const mainProcessBpmnObj = await toBpmnObject(mainProcessBPMN);

  const subprocessBpmnObj = await toBpmnObject(subprocessBPMN);
  const subprocessRootElement = getElementById(subprocessBpmnObj, subprocessId);
  const subprocessContent = getChildren(subprocessRootElement).filter(
    (element) => && !== subprocessId

  // Add content of subprocess in subprocess-element of the main process
  await manipulateElementById(mainProcessBpmnObj, subprocessId, (subprocessElement) => {
    subprocessElement.flowElements = subprocessContent;
    subprocessElement.extensionElements = subprocessRootElement.extensionElements; =;

  mainProcessBpmnObj.diagrams[0].plane.planeElement =
        (element) =>
          element.bpmnElement &&
          ! =>

  return toBpmnXml(mainProcessBpmnObj);

 * Returns the extensionElements entry inside the given element (creates one if there isn't one already)
 * @param {Object} element the element we want the extensionElements entry of
 * @returns {Object} the extensionElements entry
function ensureExtensionElements(element) {
  let { extensionElements } = element;

  if (!extensionElements) {
    extensionElements = moddle.create('bpmn:ExtensionElements');
    extensionElements.values = [];
    element.extensionElements = extensionElements;

  return extensionElements;

function removeEmptyExtensionElements(element) {
  const { extensionElements } = element;

  // extensionElements doesn't contain any info => remove
  if (extensionElements && (!extensionElements.values || !extensionElements.values.length)) {
    delete element.extensionElements;

 * Returns the meta entry inside a given element (creates it if there isn't already one)
 * @param {Object} element the element we want the meta entry of
 * @returns {Object} the meta entry
function ensureMetaElement(element) {
  const extensionElements = ensureExtensionElements(element);

  let meta = extensionElements.values.find((child) => child.$type == 'proceed:Meta');

  if (!meta) {
    meta = moddle.create('proceed:Meta');

  return meta;

function removeEmptyMetaElement(element) {
  const { extensionElements } = element;

  if (extensionElements && extensionElements.values) {
    const meta = extensionElements.values.find((child) => child.$type == 'proceed:Meta');

    if (meta) {
      // remove unnecessary property list if it has no entries
      if ( && ! {

      // meta element doesn't contain any info => remove
      if (!Object.getOwnPropertyNames(meta).some((property) => !property.startsWith('$'))) {
        extensionElements.values = extensionElements.values.filter((el) => el !== meta);

async function removeColorFromAllElements(bpmn) {
  const bpmnObj = typeof bpmn === 'string' ? await toBpmnObject(bpmn) : bpmn;

  bpmnObj.diagrams.forEach((diagram) => {
    diagram.plane.planeElement.forEach((planeElement) => {
      planeElement.fill = null;
      planeElement.stroke = null;

  return typeof bpmn === 'string' ? await toBpmnXml(bpmnObj) : bpmnObj;

// elements that are specifically defined in the proceed moddle schema
const specificMetaElements = [

 * Changes/Adds an element inside a proceed:Meta element
 * might be either a specific meta element like proceed:costsPlanned
 * or a generic meta value defined inside a proceed:property element
 * @param {Object} meta the meta element to make changes in
 * @param {String} type the type of meta value we want to change
 * @param {String|Object} value either a string representing the value inside the final elements body or an already complete element represented by an object
 * @param {Object} moddle a bpmn-moddle instance to create elements with
 * @returns {undefined|Object} the previous value stored under the given meta type
function setMetaDataInMetaElement(meta, type, value, moddle) {
  // remember old value for possible revert
  let oldValue;

  // add an element defined in the proceed moddle schema
  if (specificMetaElements.includes(type)) {
    oldValue = meta[type];

    if (value) {
      if (typeof value === 'string') {
        // create new moddle element of the given type with the given value
        meta[type] = moddle.create(`proceed:${type}`);
        meta[type].value = value;
      } else {
        // use the predefined moddle element
        meta[type] = value;
    } else {
      // remove the current value stored under the given type
      meta[type] = undefined;
  } else {
    let properties = || [];
    // add value as generic proceed:property
    oldValue = properties.find((property) => === type);

    if (value) {
      let newProperty;
      if (typeof value === 'string') {
        // create new proceed:property moddle element with the given type as its name attribute
        newProperty = moddle.create(`proceed:property`, { name: type });
        newProperty.value = value;
      } else {
        // use the predefined proceed:property element
        newProperty = value;

      if (oldValue) {
        // replace the old property
        const index = properties.findIndex((entry) => entry === oldValue);
        properties[index] = newProperty;
      } else {
        // add a new property
    } else {
      // remove the property with the given type
      properties = properties.filter((property) => !== type);

    // overwrite the properties array = properties;

  return oldValue;

 * Updates the Meta Information of an element
 * @param {(string|object)} bpmn - the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object
 * @param {String} elId the id of the element to update
 * @param {Object} metaValues the meta data values to set
 * @returns {(string|object)} the BPMN process as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object based on input
async function setMetaData(bpmn, elId, metaValues) {
  const bpmnObj = typeof bpmn === 'string' ? await toBpmnObject(bpmn) : bpmn;
  const element = getElementById(bpmnObj, elId);

  const meta = ensureMetaElement(element);

  Object.entries(metaValues).forEach(([key, value]) => {
    setMetaDataInMetaElement(meta, key, value, moddle);


  return typeof bpmn === 'string' ? await toBpmnXml(bpmnObj) : bpmnObj;

module.exports = {


  // proceed:Meta related