Module: rotation


(async, inner) clearStandardLogs(logging)

Deletes the entry in which the standard logs are stored and resets the counter in the logging_meta_data

Name Type Description
logging module:@proceed/machine.logging

the instance of the Logging class, so the logging utils can be easily used


(async, inner) removePrecedingLogTables(logging, processLogData, maxTables)

Removes all excess log tables for a specific process the logging_meta_data

Name Type Description
logging module:@proceed/machine.logging

the instance of the Logging class, so the logging utils can be easily used

processLogData object

all necessary information about the process to delete the tables

maxTables number

the maximum number of log tables allowed for any process


(async, inner) rotate(logging)

Called as often as is specified in the configuration. Checks if log tables have to be deleted and calls the appropriate functions if yes

Name Type Description
logging module:@proceed/machine.logging

the instance of the Logging class, so the logging utils can be easily used


(async, inner) startRotation(logging)

Sets the interval at which the rotation is to be performed

Name Type Description
logging module:@proceed/machine.logging

the instance of the Logging class, so the logging utils can be easily used
