This is the info card that shows instance and general info about an activity/event, e.g. a User task For now it is mostly filled with mock values
Name | Type | Default value | Required? | Description |
metaData |
Object | - | Yes | includes planned start time and duration of the selectedElement |
instance |
Object | - | Yes | an object that contains all the instance infos |
selectedElement |
Object | - | Yes | the element for which the infos should be shown |
location |
Object | - | Yes | the time zone in which the times should be shown |
Name | Type | Description |
plannedEnd |
Date | calculated based on plannedStart or start and planned duration |
plannedStart |
Date | parsed from the metaData |
start |
Date | parsed from the instance info |
end |
Date | parsed from the instance info |
delay |
String | calculated based on plannedEnd and real end |