const _ = require('lodash');
const { NotFoundError } = require('../error/notFoundError');
const parseHttpAndReplaceHash = require('./urlParser');
const extractValue = require('./objectParser/extractValue');
const mergeRecursively = require('./objectParser/insertAndMergeRecursively');
const objectDeepKeys = require('./objectParser/objectDeepKeys');
const findObjectByKeyVal = require('./objectParser/findObjectByKeyVal');
const replaceKeysOfReturnObject = require('./objectParser/replaceKeysOfReturnObject');
const validateExpectedParametersNode = require('./validator/validateExpectedParametersNode');
const getParameters = require('./objectParser/getParameters');
const validateParameterDesc = require('./validator/validateParameterDescriptions');
const validateParameterMapping = require('./validator/validateParameterMapping');
const validateOutputMapping = require('./validator/validateOutputMapping');
const parameterUri = '';
const functionParamMappingUri = '';
const predicateUri = '';
const hasPartUri = '';
const implementationUri = '';
const requiredUri = '';
const unitTextUri = '';
const encodingFormatUri = '';
const minValueUri = '';
const maxValueUri = '';
const mappingUri = '';
const returnMappingUri = '';
const outputUri = '';
const expectedArgumentUri = '';
const paramMappingUri = '';
* @module parser
* @memberof module:@proceed/capabilities
* @module parameterAndOutputParser
* @memberof module:@proceed/capabilities.module:parser
A Function that parses the URI do its domain and actions form
@param {object} parameterMapping
@param {object} expectedArg
@returns {object} corresponding function parameter mapping of the expected
function findMapping(parameterMapping, expectedArg) {
const mapping = parameterMapping.find((i) => {
let fParam = i[functionParamMappingUri];
if (typeof fParam === 'object' && fParam.length === 1) {
fParam = fParam.find((e) => e['@value'])['@value'];
} else {
return false;
return fParam === expectedArg['@id'];
return mapping;
A function that matches the expected arguments with the given arguments using
parameter mapping und parameter description in expanded jsonld the semantic description
If there is a unit or encoding Format is given, the check is also made here.
@param {string} expectedArg given in the semantic description of the capabilities
@param {array} parameterMapping the expanded jsonld node of parameterMapping in the
semantic description where
the parameter description and native function parameter are mapped
@param {array} parameterDescriptions the expanded jsonld semantic description node
of the parameter
@returns {list} the native function parameter and the value
function parseParamRecursively(expectedArg, parameterMapping, parameterDescriptions, args) {
if (args === undefined) {
return [];
const parsedArgs = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(args)) {
if (key.startsWith('http')) {
parsedArgs[parseHttpAndReplaceHash(key)] = args[key];
} else {
parsedArgs[key] = args[key];
const mapping = findMapping(parameterMapping, expectedArg);
const paramDescription = parameterDescriptions.find(
(i) => i['@id'] === expectedArg['@id'] || i['@id'] === expectedArg
const predicate = getParameters.getPredicateForParam(
let value = extractValue(parsedArgs, predicate);
if (paramDescription[hasPartUri] !== undefined) {
let collectedValues = [];
const childParamMappings = parameterMapping
.filter((p) => {
const paramName = p[functionParamMappingUri];
return paramName[0]['@value'] === expectedArg['@id'];
.map((p) => ({
const objectGraph = paramDescription[hasPartUri].find((e) => e['@list'])['@list'];
for (const childParam of objectGraph) {
collectedValues = collectedValues.concat(
parseParamRecursively(childParam, childParamMappings, objectGraph, value)
return collectedValues;
if (paramDescription[requiredUri][0]['@value'] && value === undefined) {
throw new NotFoundError(
'Required parameters should be included in the startCapability function'
if (value !== undefined) {
if (paramDescription[unitTextUri] !== undefined && value.unit !== undefined) {
if (paramDescription[unitTextUri][0]['@value'] !== value.unit) {
throw new NotFoundError(
'The unit of the parameter is not correct, please check the semantic description!'
if (value.unit !== undefined) {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
value = value.value;
if (value !== undefined) {
if (paramDescription[encodingFormatUri] !== undefined && value.encodingFormat !== undefined) {
if (paramDescription[encodingFormatUri][0]['@value'] !== value.encodingFormat) {
throw new NotFoundError(
'The encoding format of the parameter is not correct, please check the semantic description!'
if (value.encodingFormat !== undefined) {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
value = value.value;
if (value !== undefined) {
if (paramDescription[minValueUri] !== undefined) {
const minValue = paramDescription[minValueUri][0]['@value'];
if (value < minValue) {
throw new NotFoundError(
'The value that you provided is smaller then the minimum value, please check the semantic description!'
if (value !== undefined) {
if (paramDescription[maxValueUri] !== undefined) {
const maxValue = paramDescription[maxValueUri][0]['@value'];
if (value > maxValue) {
throw new NotFoundError(
'The value that you provided is bigger then the maximum value, please check the semantic description!'
const returnItem = {};
const implementationProperty = mapping[implementationUri].find((e) => e['@value'])['@value'];
returnItem[implementationProperty] = value;
return [returnItem];
A Function that parses the arguments in order them to bring expected arguments into
their native function call
@param {object} args
@param {array} expanded jsonld list of semantic description
@returns {object} cleanedMappedArgObject with the native function call arguments and their values
function parseArguments(args, expanded) {
const expectedParametersNode = expanded.find((item) => item[expectedArgumentUri] !== undefined);
validateExpectedParametersNode(expectedParametersNode, expectedArgumentUri);
const expectedParameters = _.flatten(
expectedParametersNode[expectedArgumentUri].map((item) => item['@list'])
if (expectedParameters.length === 0) {
return {};
// parameter descriptions in the semantic description
const parameterDescriptions = _.flatten( =>
expanded.filter((expandedItem) => expandedItem['@id'] === parameter['@id'])
validateParameterDesc(expectedParameters, parameterDescriptions, predicateUri, parameterUri);
validateParameterMapping(expanded, paramMappingUri, functionParamMappingUri, implementationUri);
// parameter mapping used for native functions in the semantic description
const paramMapping = expanded
.filter((expandedItem) => expandedItem[paramMappingUri] !== undefined)
.find((i) => i[paramMappingUri])[paramMappingUri];
let mappedArgs = [];
for (const expectedArg of expectedParameters) {
// try to translate given args to parameter as described in parameterMapping
mappedArgs = mappedArgs.concat(
parseParamRecursively(expectedArg, paramMapping, parameterDescriptions, args)
const mappedArgObject = mappedArgs.reduce(mergeRecursively, {});
const cleanedMappedArgObject = _.pickBy(mappedArgObject, (v) => v !== undefined);
return cleanedMappedArgObject;
A recursive helper Function that gets iterates over the expanded JSONLD
process and capability lists and returns all the parameters
@param {list} expandedJSONLD
@param {boolean} requiredOnly if true, returns only the required parameters, otherwise returns all
@returns {params} required parameters in a non-compacted and non-flattened form
function getParamsRecursively(item, requiredOnly) {
let childParams = [];
if (item[hasPartUri]) {
_.head(item[hasPartUri])['@list'].forEach((listItem) => {
childParams = childParams.concat(getParamsRecursively(listItem, requiredOnly));
if (item[requiredUri] && (_.head(item[requiredUri])['@value'] === true || !requiredOnly)) {
let predicate;
try {
predicate = item[predicateUri][0]['@type'][0];
} catch (e) {
predicate = getParameters.getPredicateFromType(item['@type'], parameterUri)[0];
return [[predicate], childParams];
return null;
A Function that gets all the parameters of the given expanded list
their native function call
@param {list} expandedJSONLD
@param {boolean} requiredOnly if true, returns only the required parameters, otherwise returns all
@returns {params} all parameters
function getParams(expandedJSONLD, requiredOnly) {
let params = [];
expandedJSONLD.forEach((item) => {
params = _.compact(_.flatten(params.concat(getParamsRecursively(item, requiredOnly))));
return params;
A recursive helper Function that gets iterates over output description
@param {list} outputDescription
@returns {params} output parameters
function getOutputParams(outputDescription) {
let params = [];
if (outputDescription[hasPartUri]) {
_.head(outputDescription[hasPartUri])['@list'].forEach((item) => {
params = params.concat(getOutputParams(item));
const outputPredicate = getParameters.getPredicateForParam(
return params;
A Function that checks if the output object of the capability list
of the engine includes the parameters that are needed for the process
@param {list} expandedProcessDesc
@param {list} expandedCapObject
@returns {boolean}
function checkOutput(expandedProcessDesc, expandedCapObject) {
const outputProcess = expandedProcessDesc.filter(
(i) => i['@type'] && _.head(i['@type']) === outputUri
const outputMachine = expandedCapObject.filter(
(i) => i['@type'] && _.head(i['@type']) === outputUri
if (outputProcess.length === 0 && outputMachine.length === 0) {
return true;
const outputProcesParams = _.flatten(getOutputParams(_.head(outputProcess)));
const outputMachineParams = _.flatten(getOutputParams(_.head(outputMachine)));
return _.difference(outputProcesParams, outputMachineParams).length === 0;
A Function that parses the output of the native function in order to bring
the output object into its absract format
@param {array} expanded
@param {object} outputObject
@returns {object} object with its absract format and values
function parseOutput(expanded, outputObject) {
if (outputObject === undefined) {
return null;
const deepKeys = objectDeepKeys(outputObject).map((key) => key.replace(/\./, '/'));
const mappingNode = expanded.find((item) => item['@type'] && item['@type'].includes(mappingUri));
if (mappingNode[returnMappingUri] === undefined) {
return null;
validateOutputMapping(mappingNode, returnMappingUri, implementationUri, functionParamMappingUri);
const root = _.flatten(mappingNode[returnMappingUri].map((i) => i[implementationUri])).find(
(value) => !value['@value'].includes('/')
const prependedKeys = => `${root}/${key}`);
const parameters = mappingNode[returnMappingUri];
const functionParameters = prependedKeys
.map((param) =>
parameters.find((returnItem) =>
returnItem[implementationUri].find((item) => item['@value'] === param)
.map((defaultReturnMapping) => {
const functionParameter = defaultReturnMapping[functionParamMappingUri].pop()['@value'];
const paramCouple = {};
defaultReturnMapping[implementationUri].find((item) => item['@value'])['@value']
] = functionParameter;
return paramCouple;
const outputNode = expanded.find(
(expandedItem) => expandedItem['@type'] && expandedItem['@type'].includes(outputUri)
const params = _.flatten(getOutputParams(outputNode));
if (params.includes(undefined)) {
throw new NotFoundError(
`PLEASE CHECK YOUR OUTPUT NODE DESCRIPTION, type of parameter cannot be parsed!
The following output node does not have the right format: ${JSON.stringify(outputNode)}`
const mappedReturnParameters = => {
const mappedParameter = {};
const idToSearch = Object.values(functionParameter)[0];
const result = findObjectByKeyVal(outputNode, '@id', idToSearch);
let predicate = '';
try {
predicate = result[predicateUri][0]['@type'][0].split('/').pop();
} catch (e) {
predicate = getParameters
.getPredicateFromType(result['@type'], outputUri)[0]
mappedParameter[Object.keys(functionParameter)[0].split('/').pop()] = predicate;
return mappedParameter;
return replaceKeysOfReturnObject(outputObject, mappedReturnParameters);
module.exports = {