/* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this */
* The abstract class which custom display item implementations can extend to
* have their own content and behaviour added to the UI module.
* @memberof module:@proceed/ui
class DisplayItem {
* Instantiate a new display item. Overwrite this method in a custom class to
* provide own content and badge.
* @param {String} title The title for this display item (displayed, human readable)
* @param {String} key The key for this displa item (unique, not displayed)
constructor(title, key) {
* The title for this display item. It is displayed and should be
* human-readable. It will be shown in the navigation bar as the title of
* the navigation item for this display item. Please use a **short**
* (preferrably one word) description of your display item.
* @type {String}
this.title = title;
* The unique key for identifying this display item. This key will be used
* as part of the path for the endpoints of this display item and thus needs
* to be chosen carefully as it will be accessible through the API under
* this name in case of HTTP.
* @type {String}
this.key = key;
// Need to escape any content:
// \ --> \\
// ` --> \`
// ${} --> \${}
* The HTML content for this display item. This string will be inserted in
* the SPA when the user clicks on the display item's navigation element. It
* should contain all the necessary CSS and JS inline (see the README at
* `/modules/ui/tasklist/README.md` for further instructions on how to
* generate this part).
* @type {String}
this.content = '';
* The optional badge which will be displayed above the display item's title
* at the navigation bar.
* @type {?String}
this.badge = '';
* Return the endpoints of this display item. Overwrite this method to specify
* the endpoints for get and post requests for your display item.
* @returns {module:@proceed/ui.Endpoints} The endpoints for this display item
getEndpoints() {
return {};
// TODO: EventSource / WebSockets instead of polling for notification from the
// PROCEED engine
registerNotifications(notify) {
module.exports = DisplayItem;