/* eslint-disable no-undef */
const { network } = require('@proceed/system');
const DisplayItem = require('./display-item.js');
const uiHTML = require('./uiHTML.js');
function hasWindow() {
// window global is present and we are allowed to use it
return typeof window === 'object' && !window.PROCEED_DONT_WRITE_WINDOW;
function escapeScriptTags(s) {
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14780858/escape-in-script-tag-contents
return s.replace(/<\/script>/gi, '</scr\\ipt>');
function generateUI(displayItems) {
const nav = `<ul id="nav">
(dI) =>
`<li class="item" data-key="${dI.key}"><span>${dI.title}</span><span class="badge">${dI.badge}</span></li>`
return uiHTML.header + nav + uiHTML.content;
function validateEndpointArgs(method, path, body, query) {
if (!path || typeof path !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Path is required to be a string!');
if (path.length < 3 || path.indexOf('/', 1) === -1) {
throw new Error('Path has to be of form `/key/[endpoint]`!');
if (method === 'get' && body !== null) {
throw new Error('A body payload with GET requests is not supported!');
if (query && typeof query !== 'object') {
throw new Error('Query has to be an object!');
* @module @proceed/ui
const ui = {
* The display items the UI module is managing.
* @type {module:@proceed/ui.DisplayItem[]}
* @memberof module:@proceed/ui
* @private
_displayItems: [],
* An endpoint object for specifying both a GET and a POST function for one
* path.
* @typedef {Object} EndpointObject
* @property {Function} get The endpoint function for GET requests
* @property {Function} post The endpoint function for POST requests
* @memberof module:@proceed/ui
* Endpoints of a display item consisting of a path and the corresponding
* function (or a EndpointObject with GET and POST functions) which the UI
* module can provide to the SPA in order to retrieve some data.
* @typedef {Object} Endpoints
* @property {(Function|module:@proceed/ui.EndpointObject)} {path} {path} is
* the string identifying the route to this endpoint (prepended by the display
* item's key). The value is either a function (for only GET requests) or an
* EndpointObject for specifying both, a GET and a POST function for this
* path.
* @memberof module:@proceed/ui
* The endpoints that belong to the registered display items. Keys are the
* display item keys, values their endpoints array. Retrieved by calling the
* getEndpoints() method on the display items.
* @type {Map<String,module:@proceed/ui.Endpoints>}
* @memberof module:@proceed/ui
* @private
_endpoints: new Map(),
* Boolean indicating whether the UI module has already been initialilzed or
* not.
* @type {Boolean}
* @memberof module:@proceed/ui
* @private
_displayed: false,
* Initialize the UI module. This method generates the HTML/CSS/JS needed to
* display the SPA with all the registered display items. It automatically
* checks if a window object is present (WebView environment) and directly
* manipulates it or it opens HTTP endpoints (other environment). It is
* (currently) not possible to add display items after the init() call was
* made.
* @memberof module:@proceed/ui
init() {
this._displayed = true;
const html = generateUI(this._displayItems);
const { script, css: uiStyle } = uiHTML;
// Set the content data as an object
const content = {};
this._displayItems.forEach((dI) => {
// Set the getter for each display item to avoid copying all the contents
// Important: enumerable: true for JSON.stringify in non-WebView case
Object.defineProperty(content, dI.key, { enumerable: true, get: () => dI.content });
if (hasWindow()) {
// Directly manipulate the window object of the browser environment this
// engine is running in.
const style = window.document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
if (style.styleSheet) {
// IE
style.styleSheet.cssText = uiStyle;
} else {
style.innerHTML = uiStyle;
const viewport = window.document.createElement('meta');
viewport.name = 'viewport';
viewport.content = 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no';
window.document.body.innerHTML = html;
// Insert the content data
window.PROCEED_UI_CONTENTS = content;
window.PROCEED_DATA = {
get: (path, query) => this._handleEndpointRequest('get', path, null, query),
post: (path, body, query) => this._handleEndpointRequest('post', path, body, query),
put: (path, body, query) => this._handleEndpointRequest('put', path, body, query),
// Execute site script
} else {
// No WebView environment, open HTTP endpoints instead.
this._endpoints.forEach((endpoints, key) => {
Object.entries(endpoints).forEach(([path, endpoint]) => {
if (typeof endpoint === 'function' || typeof endpoint.get === 'function') {
const cb = typeof endpoint === 'function' ? endpoint : endpoint.get;
network.get(`/${key + path}`, { cors: true }, (req) =>
if (typeof endpoint.post === 'function') {
network.post(`/${key + path}`, { cors: true }, (req) =>
endpoint.post(req.body, req.query).then(JSON.stringify)
if (typeof endpoint.put === 'function') {
network.put(`/${key + path}`, { cors: true }, (req) =>
endpoint.put(req.body, req.query).then(JSON.stringify)
// Wrap with a html skeleton
const wrapper = `
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
content="This is the tasklist from the PROCEED BPMS where you can see and work on your tasks."
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="" />
<title>PROCEED Tasklist</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.PROCEED_UI_CONTENTS = ${escapeScriptTags(JSON.stringify(content))};
window.PROCEED_DATA = {
get: async (path, query) => {
${validateEndpointArgs.name}('get', path, null, query);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.addEventListener('loadend', (req) => {resolve(JSON.parse(req.target.responseText)); });
const url = query ? path + '?' + Object.entries(query).map(([key, value]) => key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value)).join('&') : path;
xhr.open('GET', url, true);
post: async (path, body, query) => {
${validateEndpointArgs.name}('post', path, body, query);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.addEventListener('loadend', (req) => {resolve(JSON.parse(req.target.responseText)); });
const url = query ? path + '?' + Object.entries(query).map(([key, value]) => key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value)).join('&') : path;
xhr.open('POST', url, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
put: async (path, body, query) => {
${validateEndpointArgs.name}('put', path, body, query);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.addEventListener('loadend', (req) => {resolve(JSON.parse(req.target.responseText)); });
const url = query ? path + '?' + Object.entries(query).map(([key, value]) => key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value)).join('&') : path;
xhr.open('PUT', url, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
<style type="text/css">${uiStyle}</style>
<script type="text/javascript">(${
/* Make the script an IIFE */ script.toString()
// Serve as root page
network.get('/', async () => ({ response: wrapper, mimeType: 'html' }));
* Add a display item to the UI module.
* @param {module:@proceed/ui.DisplayItem} displayItem The display item which
* has to be an instance of the DisplayItem class
* @memberof module:@proceed/ui
addDisplayItem(displayItem) {
if (this._displayed) {
throw new Error(
"Trying to add a display item after the UI module's init() call!\nDynamically adding display items is not yet supported!"
if (!displayItem) {
throw new Error('No display item was given!');
if (!(displayItem instanceof DisplayItem)) {
throw new Error('The given argument is not an instance of DisplayItem!');
if (this._displayItems.some((dI) => dI.key === displayItem.key)) {
throw new Error(`There already exists a display item with that key! (${displayItem.key})`);
const newEndpoints = displayItem.getEndpoints();
if (!newEndpoints || typeof newEndpoints !== 'object') {
throw new Error('Endpoints have to be an object!');
this._endpoints.set(displayItem.key, newEndpoints);
* Handle an endpoint request. This method finds and executes the endpoint
* function that was given by a registered display item for the `path`
* parameter.
* @param {String} method Either `get` or `post`
* @param {String} path The path for the requested endpoint (including the
* display item's key)
* @param {object} [body] The optional body object
* @param {object} [query] The optional query for the endpoint
* @memberof module:@proceed/ui
async _handleEndpointRequest(method, path, body, query) {
if (!method || typeof method !== 'string' || !['get', 'post', 'put'].includes(method)) {
throw new Error('Method has to be either `get` or `post`!');
validateEndpointArgs(method, path, body, query);
const key = path.substring(1, path.indexOf('/', 1));
const endpoints = this._endpoints.get(key);
if (!endpoints) {
throw new Error(`There are no endpoints registered for \`${key}!\``);
const endpointPath = path.substring(key.length + 1, path.length);
const endpoint = endpoints[endpointPath];
if (!endpoint || (typeof endpoint !== 'function' && typeof endpoint[method] !== 'function')) {
throw new Error(`No function for the requested endpoint \`${path}\` registered!`);
if (
method !== 'get' &&
(typeof endpoint === 'function' || typeof endpoint[method] !== 'function')
) {
throw new Error(
`No function for the requested \`${method}\` endpoint \`${path}\` registered!`
const endpointFunc = typeof endpoint === 'function' ? endpoint : endpoint[method];
if (body === null) {
return endpointFunc(query);
return endpointFunc(body, query);
module.exports = ui;