Source: helper-modules/constraint-parser-xml-json/intermediateToFinalJsParser.js

 * @memberof module:@proceed/constraint-parser-xml-json.ConstraintParser
 * @class
 * This library transforms the PROCEED process constraints from an intermediate to a final JS Object
 * @hideconstructor
const intermediateToFinalJSParser = {
  logger: null,

  convertConstraints(constraintsObject) {
    if (!constraintsObject.processConstraints) {
      throw new Error("Constraint doesn't contain ProcessConstraints element");

    const processConstraints = this.convertProcessConstraints(constraintsObject.processConstraints);

    return { processConstraints };

   * Converts all children of the given object into the preferred form and return the new object
   * @param {object} processConstraintsObj the object that is to be converted
   * @returns {object} - a new object containing all of the given objects children in the preferred form
  convertProcessConstraints(processConstraintsObj) {
    const processConstraints = {};

    let { hardConstraints } = processConstraintsObj;
    if (hardConstraints) {
      hardConstraints = this.convertHardConstraints(hardConstraints);

      if (hardConstraints) {
        processConstraints.hardConstraints = hardConstraints;

    let { softConstraints } = processConstraintsObj;
    if (softConstraints) {
      softConstraints = this.convertSoftConstraints(softConstraints);

      if (softConstraints) {
        processConstraints.softConstraints = softConstraints;

    return processConstraints;

   * Converts a given hardConstraints object to an array containing all children in the preferred form
   * @param {object} hardConstraintsObj the hardConstraints object that is to be converted
   * @returns {array} - an array containing all hardConstraint and constraintsGroup elements
  convertHardConstraints(hardConstraintsObject) {
    const hardConstraintsArray = [];

    const { hardConstraint } = hardConstraintsObject;
    const { constraintGroup } = hardConstraintsObject;

    if (!hardConstraint && !constraintGroup) {
      return null;

    if (hardConstraint) {
      if (!Array.isArray(hardConstraint)) {
      } else {
        hardConstraint.forEach((el) => {

    if (constraintGroup) {
      if (!Array.isArray(constraintGroup)) {
      } else {
        hardConstraintsObject.constraintGroup.forEach((el) => {

    return hardConstraintsArray;

   * Converts a copy of a given hardConstraint element into the preferred form and returns it
   * @param {object} hardConstraintObj  The hardConstraint object that is to be converted
   * @returns {object} - the converted copy
  convertHardConstraint(hardConstraintObj) {
    if (! || !hardConstraintObj.condition) {
      let missingInformation = '';
      if (! && !hardConstraintObj.condition) {
        missingInformation = 'name, condition';
      } else if (! {
        missingInformation = 'name';
      } else {
        missingInformation = 'condition';

      throw new Error(`Missing information in hardConstraint: ${missingInformation}`);

    let newObject = { ...hardConstraintObj, _type: 'hardConstraint' };

    if (!newObject._attributes) {
      newObject._attributes = {};

    newObject.condition = this.convertCondition(newObject.condition);

    let { hardConstraints } = newObject;
    if (hardConstraints) {
      hardConstraints = this.convertHardConstraints(hardConstraints);
      if (hardConstraints) {
        newObject.hardConstraints = hardConstraints;

    newObject = this.convertValues(newObject);

    return newObject;

   * Converts a copy of a constraintGroup element to the preferred form and returns it
   * @param {object} constraintGroupObj the constraintGroup that is to be converted
   * @returns {object} - the converted copy
  convertConstraintGroup(constraintGroupObj) {
    const newObject = { ...constraintGroupObj, _type: 'constraintGroup', constraintGroup: [] };

    if (!newObject._attributes) {
      newObject._attributes = {};

    if (! {
      throw new Error('ConstraintGroup with missing id found.');

    const { hardConstraint } = newObject;
    if (hardConstraint) {
      if (!Array.isArray(newObject.hardConstraint)) {
      } else {
        hardConstraint.forEach((el) => {
      delete newObject.hardConstraint;

    const { constraintGroupRef } = newObject;
    if (constraintGroupRef) {
      if (!Array.isArray(constraintGroupRef)) {
      } else {
        constraintGroupRef.forEach((el) => {
      delete newObject.constraintGroupRef;

    return newObject;

   * Adds "_type: 'constraintGroupRef'" to a copy of the given object and returns it
   * @param {object} constraintGroupRefObj The constraintGroupRef that should be modified
   * @returns {object} - a copy of the given object with an added member _type
  convertConstraintGroupRef(constraintGroupRefObj) {
    if (!constraintGroupRefObj._attributes || !constraintGroupRefObj._attributes.ref) {
      throw new Error('ConstraintGroupRef element without ref attribute found.');

    return { ...constraintGroupRefObj, _type: 'constraintGroupRef' };

   * Converts the softConstraints object into an array in the preferred form [{softConstraint},{softConstraint},...]
   * @param {object} softConstraintsObj an object containing all of the softConstraints elements softConstraint elements
   * @returns {array} - an array containing representations of all of the softConstraints elements softConstraint elements
  convertSoftConstraints(softConstraintsObj) {
    const softConstraintsArray = [];

    if (!softConstraintsObj.softConstraint) {
      return null;

    const { softConstraint } = softConstraintsObj;
    if (!Array.isArray(softConstraint)) {
    } else {
      softConstraint.forEach((el) => {

    return softConstraintsArray;

  convertSoftConstraint(softConstraintObj) {
    if (! || !softConstraintObj.condition) {
      let missingInformation = '';
      if (! && !softConstraintObj.condition) {
        missingInformation = 'name, condition';
      } else if (! {
        missingInformation = 'name';
      } else {
        missingInformation = 'condition';

      throw new Error(`Missing information in softConstraint: ${missingInformation}`);

    const newSoftConstraintObj = { ...softConstraintObj };
    if (!softConstraintObj._attributes) {
      newSoftConstraintObj._attributes = {};

    newSoftConstraintObj._type = 'softConstraint';

    return newSoftConstraintObj;

   * Converts character entity references in conditions to < and >
   * @param {string} condition in form of a string
   * @returns {string} - the condition with entity references for < and > being converted
  convertCondition(condition) {
    let newCondition = condition;

    if (typeof condition === 'string') {
      newCondition = newCondition.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
      newCondition = newCondition.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');

    return newCondition;

   * Converts the values entry in the given object to the preferred form { ..., values: [{valueObject},{valueObject}], _valuesAttributes: {...}}
   * @param {object} object with values in the form created by fast-xml-parser
   * @returns {object} - object with values in preferred form
  convertValues(object) {
    if (!object.values) {
      return object;

    const newObject = { ...object };

    if (newObject.values._attributes) {
      newObject._valuesAttributes = newObject.values._attributes;
    } else {
      newObject._valuesAttributes = {};

    if (!Array.isArray(newObject.values.value)) {
      newObject.values = [this.convertValue(newObject.values.value)];
    } else {
      const valueArray = [];
      newObject.values.value.forEach((el) => {
      newObject.values = valueArray;

    return newObject;

   * Converts a value to a value object in the preferred form { value: valueName, _valueAttributes: {...}}
   * @param {string|object} either the values name as a string or an object containing the values name and attributes
   * @returns {object} a value object in the preferred form
  convertValue(value) {
    let valueName = '';
    let _valueAttributes = {};

    if (typeof value === 'object') {
      valueName = value['#text'];
      _valueAttributes = value._attributes;
    } else {
      valueName = value;

    return { value: valueName, _valueAttributes };

module.exports = intermediateToFinalJSParser;