import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';
import url from 'url';
import logger from '../../../shared-electron-server/logging.js';
* verifies signature of id token and validates algorithm, audience, issuer and nonce
* @param {Object} token - encoded id token
* @param {String} nonce - nonce
* @param {Object} client - OpenID Client
* @return {Object} - decoded id token
export const verifyIdToken = async (idToken, nonce, client, config) => {
try {
// get public certificate from idp before verify id token
const keyStore = await client.issuer.keystore();
const pubKey = [...keyStore['_keys']][0].x5c[0];
const begin = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n';
const end = '\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----';
const certificate = begin.concat(pubKey, end);
// verify and decode id token
const decodedIdToken = jwt.verify(idToken, certificate, {
algorithms: ['RS256'],
audience: client.client_id,
issuer: url.parse(client.issuer.issuer).hostname.match('\\.auth0\\.com$')
? client.issuer.issuer
: `${client.baseAuthUrl}/realms/${config.tenant}`,
return decodedIdToken;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(e.toString());