Source: management-system/src/backend/shared-electron-server/network/ms-engine-communication/process.js

import networkEx from '@proceed/system';
const { network } = networkEx;

 * Requests information about all deployed processes of a machine
 * @param {object} machine contains machine information
 * @param {string} machine.ip the ip address of the machine
 * @param {number} machine.port the port of the machine
 * @returns {array} definitionIds of all processes deployed to the given machine
export async function getDeployedProcesses(machine) {
  const { body } = await network.sendRequest(machine.ip, machine.port, '/process');

  return JSON.parse(body);

 * Requests process bpmn of process with given id from given machine
 * @param {object} machine contains machine information
 * @param {string} machine.ip the ip address of the machine
 * @param {number} machine.port the port of the machine
 * @param {string} definitionId name of the file the process is saved in
 * @returns {string} the process bpmn xml
export async function getDeploymentBPMN(machine, definitionId) {
  const { body } = await network.sendRequest(machine.ip, machine.port, `/process/${definitionId}`);

  return JSON.parse(body).bpmn;

 * Sends process definitionid and process bpmn to deploy process on engine
 * @param {object} machine contains machine information
 * @param {string} machine.ip the ip address of the machine
 * @param {number} machine.port the port of the machine
 * @param {string} definitionId name of the file the process is saved in
 * @param {string} bpmn the description of the process in xml
export async function deployProcess(machine, definitionId, bpmn) {
  await network.sendData(
    { bpmn }

 * Sends request to delete the deployment of process with given id
 * @param {object} machine contains machine information
 * @param {string} machine.ip the ip address of the machine
 * @param {number} machine.port the port of the machine
 * @param {string} definitionId name of the file the process is saved in
export async function removeDeployment(machine, definitionId) {
  await network.sendRequest(machine.ip, machine.port, `/process/${definitionId}/`, {
    method: 'DELETE',

 * @param {object} machine contains machine information
 * @param {string} machine.ip the ip address of the machine
 * @param {number} machine.port the port of the machine
 * @param {string} definitionId name of the file the process is saved in
 * @param {string} userTaskId id of the user task
 * @param {string} html the html of the user task
export async function sendUserTaskHTML(machine, definitionId, userTaskId, html, imported) {
  await network.sendData(
    `/process/${definitionId}/${imported ? 'imported/' : ''}user-tasks/${userTaskId}`,
    { html }

 * Gets HTML for user task with given id in process with given id
 * @param {Object} machine contains machine information
 * @param {String} machine.ip the ip address of the machine
 * @param {Number} machine.port the port of the machine
 * @param {String} definitionId name of the file the process is saved in
 * @param {String} userTaskId id of the user task
 * @returns {string} the user task html
export async function getUserTaskHTML(machine, definitionId, userTaskId, imported) {
  const { body } = await network.sendRequest(
    `/process/${definitionId}/${imported ? 'imported/' : ''}user-tasks/${userTaskId}`

  return JSON.parse(body).html;

 * Sends process used in call activity of another process
 * @param {Object} machine contains machine information
 * @param {String} machine.ip the ip address of the machine
 * @param {Number} machine.port the port of the machine
 * @param {String} definitionId the id in the definitions field of the importing process
 * @param {String} importedDefinitionId the id in the definitions field of the imported process
 * @param {String} bpmn the description of the process in xml
export async function sendImportedProcess(machine, definitionId, importedDefinitionId, bpmn) {
    { bpmn }

 * Requests information about all instances of process with given id
 * @param {object} machine contains machine information
 * @param {string} machine.ip the ip address of the machine
 * @param {number} machine.port the port of the machine
 * @param {string} definitionId name of the file the process is saved in
 * @return {array} array with information objects for each instance of the process
export async function getProcessInstances(machine, definitionId) {
  const { body } = await network.sendRequest(

  return JSON.parse(body);

 * Sends request to start an instance of a process with process variables
 * @param {object} machine contains machine information
 * @param {string} machine.ip the ip address of the machine
 * @param {number} machine.port the port of the machine
 * @param {string} definitionId name of the file the process is saved in
 * @param {object} variables start values for process variables
 * @returns {string} the id of the created isntance
export async function startProcessInstance(machine, definitionId, variables) {
  const { body } = await network.sendData(
    { variables }

  return JSON.parse(body).instanceId;

 * Request information about a certain process instance
 * @param {object} machine contains machine information
 * @param {string} machine.ip the ip address of the machine
 * @param {number} machine.port the port of the machine
 * @param {string} definitionId name of the file the process is saved in
 * @param {string} instanceId id of the specific instance
 * @returns {object} instance information object
export async function getInstanceInformation(machine, definitionId, instanceId) {
  const { body } = await network.sendRequest(

  return JSON.parse(body);

 * Requests active userTasks on machine
 * @param {object} machine contains machine information
 * @param {string} the ip address of the machine
 * @param {number} machine.port the port of the machine
 * @returns {array} array with information-objects for every active usertask
export async function getActiveUserTasks(machine) {
  const { body } = await network.sendRequest(, machine.port, `/tasklist/api`);

  return JSON.parse(body);

 * Requests HTML from active userTask on machine
 * @param {object} machine contains machine information
 * @param {string} the ip address of the machine
 * @param {number} machine.port the port of the machine
 * @param {string} instanceId id of the instance the userTask is running in
 * @param {string} userTaskId id of the active userTask
 * @param {string} processChain
 * @param {string} callChain
 * @returns {string} HTML of the userTask
export async function getActiveUserTaskHTML(
) {
  const { body } = await network.sendRequest(,

  return JSON.parse(body);

 * Complete userTask on machine
 * @param {object} machine contains machine information
 * @param {string} the ip address of the machine
 * @param {number} machine.port the port of the machine
 * @param {string} instanceId id of the instance the userTask is running in
 * @param {string} userTaskId id of the active userTask
 * @param {string} processChain
 * @param {string} callChain
export async function completeUserTask(machine, instanceId, userTaskId, processChain, callChain) {
  await network.sendData(,

 * Update milestone on UserTask
 * @param {object} machine contains machine information
 * @param {string} the ip address of the machine
 * @param {number} machine.port the port of the machine
 * @param {string} instanceId id of the instance the userTask is running in
 * @param {string} userTaskId id of the active userTask
 * @param {string} processChain
 * @param {string} callChain
 * @param {object} milestone object with id and value of milestone
export async function updateUserTaskMilestone(
) {
  await network.sendData(,

 * Sends request to stop a certain process instance
 * @param {object} machine contains machine information
 * @param {string} machine.ip the ip address of the machine
 * @param {number} machine.port the port of the machine
 * @param {string} definitionId name of the file the process is saved in
 * @param {string} instanceId id of the specific instance
export async function stopProcessInstance(machine, definitionId, instanceId) {
  await network.sendData(
    { instanceState: 'stopped' }

 * Sends request to pause a certain process instance
 * @param {object} machine contains machine information
 * @param {string} machine.ip the ip address of the machine
 * @param {number} machine.port the port of the machine
 * @param {string} definitionId name of the file the process is saved in
 * @param {string} instanceId id of the specific instance
export async function pauseProcessInstance(machine, definitionId, instanceId) {
  await network.sendData(
    { instanceState: 'paused' }

 * Sends request to resume a certain process instance
 * @param {object} machine contains machine information
 * @param {string} machine.ip the ip address of the machine
 * @param {number} machine.port the port of the machine
 * @param {string} definitionId name of the file the process is saved in
 * @param {string} instanceId id of the specific instance
export async function resumeProcessInstance(machine, definitionId, instanceId) {
  await network.sendData(
    { instanceState: 'resume' }

 * Sends a request to move a token from one element to another
 * @param {Object} machine the machine that is currently executing the token
 * @param {string} machine.ip the ip address of the machine
 * @param {number} machine.port the port of the machine
 * @param {string} definitionId name of the file the process is saved in
 * @param {string} instanceId id of the specific instance
 * @param {string} tokenId id of the token to move
 * @param {string} flowElementId id of the target element
export async function moveToken(machine, definitionId, instanceId, tokenId, flowElementId) {
  await network.sendData(
    { currentFlowElementId: flowElementId }