import JSZip from 'jszip';
import {
} from '@proceed/bpmn-helper';
import { asyncMap } from '@/shared-frontend-backend/helpers/javascriptHelpers.js';
* @module components
* @memberof module:components
* @module processes
* @memberof module:components.module:processes
* @module Vue:ProcessForm
* @memberof module:components.module:processes.module:Vue:ProcessForm
* @module process-import
* @typedef {Object} HtmlInfo
* @property {String} [fileName] the name of the file the user task is (supposed to be) stored in
* @property {String} html
* @property {String} state the current state this html is in (missing|existing|obsolete)
* @typedef {Object} UserTaskInfo
* @property {String} fileName name of the file the html of this user task is stored in
* @property {String} implementation how the user task is implemented
* @property {Boolean} missingAttributes if the fileName and implementation need to be added to the bpmn
* @typedef {Object} ImportInfo
* @property {String} bpmnFileAsXml the process definition as a string
* @property {Object} bpmnFileAsObject the process as a bpmn-moddle-object
* @property {HtmlInfo} htmlData the html information provided with the process
* Gets the process from the selected file
* @param {File} file - the file the user has selected via the web interface, {@link}
* @returns { Promise.<ImportInfo[]>} the process information gotten through the import
* @throws {Error} if importedFile is empty
* @throws {Error} if the given file can not be converted to a bpmn-moddle object (multiple possible reasons)
export async function getProcessFiles(file) {
if (!file) {
throw new Error('Import Error: no file selected.');
let isZip = false;
const fileName =;
let processesData = [];
if (fileName.endsWith('.bpmn') || fileName.endsWith('.xml')) {
// get the BPMN XML as string
processesData.push({ fileName, bpmnFileAsXml: await readFileAsText(file) });
} else if (fileName.endsWith('.zip')) {
processesData = await readZipAsync(file);
isZip = true;
} else {
throw new Error('Import Error: Selected file is neither a *.bpmn, *.xml, or *.zip file.');
// parse every bpmn file into a bpmn moddle object, throw error if parsing fails for a file
processesData = await asyncMap(processesData, async (pData) => {
try {
// making sure the proceed namespace is correct, else it will lead to problems on import with bpmn-moddle
// every element with proceed prefix would get an ns0 prefix instead
let xml = ensureCorrectProceedNamespace(pData.bpmnFileAsXml);
return {
bpmnFileAsXml: xml,
bpmnFileAsObject: await toBpmnObject(xml),
} catch (err) {
const zipText = isZip ? ` from zip file ${fileName}` : '';
throw new Error(`Failed to load ${pData.fileName}${zipText}! Reason: ${err.message}`);
return processesData;
* Analyses a BPMN if
* 1. the process exists
* 2. if its called processes exist
* 3. if user task data exists or needs to be added
* @param {(string|object)} bpmn - the process definition as XML string or BPMN-Moddle Object
* @param {(undefined|Map<String, HtmlInfo>)} htmlData - the html data that was provided alongside the bpmn
* @param {*} $store - the vuex store to look up processes
* @returns { Promise.<{ processData: {id: string, name: string, description: string, departments: Array, userTasks: UserTaskInfo, htmlData: HtmlInfo } }>} - the process info needed for an import
export async function analyseBPMNFile(bpmn, htmlData, $store, type, defaultName = '') {
const bpmnObj = typeof bpmn === 'string' ? await toBpmnObject(bpmn) : bpmn;
let definitionsId = await getDefinitionsId(bpmnObj);
const name = (await getDefinitionsName(bpmnObj)) || defaultName.replace(/(\.bpmn|\.xml)$/gm, '');
let possibleOverrideProcess;
let possibleDerivedProcesses = [];
const processFromStore = $store.getters['processStore/processById'](definitionsId);
// handle already existing processes that would be overwritten
if (processFromStore) {
// force a new id if the process to override is of a different type
if (processFromStore.type !== type) {
definitionsId = generateDefinitionsId();
} else {
possibleOverrideProcess =;
} else {
// see if there are processes that might have been derived from earlier imports of this process
possibleDerivedProcesses = $store.getters['processStore/processes']
.filter((p) => p.type === type && p.originalId === definitionsId)
.map(({ id }) => id);
return {
id: possibleOverrideProcess || possibleDerivedProcesses.length ? '' : definitionsId,
* Async read file with FileReader as text and
* resolve the returned Promise once the file content is loaded
* @param {(Blob|File)} file - selected bpmn file
* @returns {Promise<string>} Promise containing the content of the file as text
function readFileAsText(file) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = (event) => {
// few error cases, no error if binary file
reader.onerror = (event) => {
reject(`Unable to read selected file: ${reader.error}`);
* @summary Read zip files and searches for bpmn files and user tasks for each bpmn file
* @param {Blob} zipBlob - zip file containing several bpmn files
* @returns {Promise<Array<{ fileName: string, bpmnFileAsXml: string, htmlData: HtmlInfo }>>} - array containing all the provided information about the contained processes
export async function readZipAsync(zipBlob) {
const zip = await JSZip.loadAsync(zipBlob);
// list all bpmn files inside this zip regardless of the folder depth
const bpmnFiles = Object.values(zip.files).filter(
(file) =>'.bpmn') && !file.dir
const contentContainer = [];
for (const bpmnFile of bpmnFiles) {
// get the actual file name for nested files like 'Delivery-Proces-604fdef1/Delivery-Proces-604fdef1.bpmn'
const bpmnFileName ='/').pop();
// generate folder name like 'Delivery-Proces-604fdef1/User-Tasks/'
const userTaskDir =, 'User-Tasks/');
// list all html files inside the User-Tasks folder which is in the same folder like the current bpmn file
const userTaskFiles = Object.values(zip.files).filter(
(file) => &&'.html')
const htmlData = new Map();
for (const userTaskFile of userTaskFiles) {
const fileName ='/').pop().replace('.html', '');
// resolves the content of the file in a string
const htmlFileContent = await userTaskFile.async('string');
htmlData.set(fileName, {
provided: {
html: htmlFileContent,
// resolves the content of the file in a string
const bpmnFileContent = await bpmnFile.async('string');
fileName: bpmnFileName,
bpmnFileAsXml: bpmnFileContent,
return contentContainer;