<div style="padding: 0px" class="ide-container">
<v-card color="grey lighten-4" class="mb-2" style="border-top: 1px solid black">
<v-app-bar dense>
<v-toolbar-title>Script Editor</v-toolbar-title>
<v-spacer />
<v-btn @click="openScriptApi">Open Script Task API</v-btn>
<v-btn color="primary" @click="saveAndClose()">
<v-icon class="ml-2">mdi-check</v-icon>
<v-row no-gutters style="height: 100%">
<v-col sm="10" class="editor-tab">
import * as R from 'ramda';
import ScriptEditor from '@/frontend/components/scripting-ide/ScriptEditor.vue';
import ScriptTasksList from '@/frontend/components/scripting-ide/ScriptTasksList.vue';
import { eventHandler } from '@/frontend/backend-api/index.js';
* Scripting IDE component.
export default {
components: { ScriptEditor, ScriptTasksList },
props: {
// if the editor is currently open
isOpen: Boolean,
// The Id of the currently selected BPMN element.
selectedElement: Object,
// The Id of the currently open process.
processDefinitionsId: String,
computed: {
// Returns the configuration of the MS
config() {
return this.$store.getters['configStore/config'];
// Returns the id of the currently open element or null.
openElementId() {
return this.openElement ? this.openElement.id : null;
// Returns whether the current element is readonly.
openElementReadonly() {
return this.openElement ? this.openElement.readonly : true;
* Returns the very object which holds the value for the currently open element.
* The value can be accessed and changed using the "data" property.
openElementValueObject() {
if (!this.openElement) {
return null;
// library objects don't have any child nodes to filter
if (this.openElement.id.includes('LIBRARY')) {
return this.openElement.xmlObject;
let scriptElement = null;
// otherwise find data object
if (this.openElement.type === 'scriptTask') {
scriptElement = R.find(R.propEq('nodeName', 'script'))(
// if there is no script element, add one (including a cdata section) and return it
if (!scriptElement) {
scriptElement = this.processDiagram.createElement('script');
return scriptElement;
* Returns the script value of the selected element.
openElementValue() {
if (this.openElementValueObject) {
const separatorFilter = /\/\*{14} (SCRIPT|LIBRARY) (BEGINS|ENDS) \*{14}\//g;
const blankLineFilter = /^\s*[\r\n]/gm;
let script = this.openElementValueObject.textContent;
return script.replace(blankLineFilter, '').trim();
return '';
* Returns the XML of the currently edited process.
xml() {
return this.$store.getters['processEditorStore/xml'];
* Returns the object of the currently open process.
process() {
return this.$store.getters['processStore/processById'](this.processDefinitionsId);
* Returns the traversable parser element of the currently edited process.
processDiagram() {
return new DOMParser().parseFromString(this.xml, 'application/xml');
* Returns an iterable parser element of all script tasks or sequence flows that are coming from a XOR/OR Gateway of the currently edited process.
processElements() {
return this.processDiagram.getElementsByTagName('scriptTask');
* Returns all processes APART from the currently open one (=> all other).
processes() {
return R.reject(R.propEq('id', this.processDefinitionsId))(
* Returns the library for the currently open process.
processLibrary() {
return this.$store.getters['processEditorStore/library'];
* Build a menu tree from both this processes' elements and all other processes' tasks,
* which are not writeable.
menuTree() {
if (!this.selectedElement) {
return [];
return [
name: this.process.name,
id: this.process.id,
library: this.process.library || {
data: '',
capabilities: [],
readonly: false,
elements: this.processElements,
.map((item) => {
// map all objects to useful menu items,
// store original XML object under xmlObject
const xmlElements = item.elements;
const menuElements = [
// {
// name: 'Library',
// id: `LIBRARY-${item.id}`,
// title: 'Library',
// readonly: item.readonly,
// xmlObject: item.library,
// },
let acceptedElements = 'scriptTask';
for (let i = 0; i < xmlElements.length; i += 1) {
const element = xmlElements[i];
// only show elements from other processes of similar type as selected element
if (element.tagName === acceptedElements) {
const nameElement = R.find(R.propEq('nodeName', 'name'))(element.attributes);
const idElement = R.find(R.propEq('nodeName', 'id'))(element.attributes);
const name = nameElement ? nameElement.nodeValue : null;
const id = idElement ? idElement.nodeValue : null;
processDefinitionsId: item.id,
type: acceptedElements,
title: name || id,
readonly: this.selectedElement.id != id,
xmlObject: element,
// return menu item object
return {
active: true, // open list group by default
name: item.name,
id: item.id,
readonly: item.readonly,
elements: menuElements,
menuFiltered() {
const self = this;
return this.menuTree.filter((process) => process.name.includes(self.elementFilter));
data() {
return {
* Model for the filter field.
elementFilter: '',
openElement: null,
elementsFiltered: [],
autoSaveTimeout: null,
otherElements: [],
timeout: null,
scriptEventCallback: null,
methods: {
openScriptApi() {
* close editor automatically 5 minutes after last change
autoClose() {
if (!process.env.IS_ELECTRON) {
this.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, this.config.closeOpenEditorsInMs || 300000);
async saveChanges() {
// emit to save changes in modeler
this.$emit('updated', {
elementId: this.openElementId,
script: this.openElementValueObject.textContent,
saveAndClose() {
* Opens an element.
* @param element
* @returns void
open(element) {
this.openElement = element;
* Updates the code value of the currently open element.
* @param value
updateOpenElementValue(element) {
if (
this.openElementValueObject &&
!this.openElementReadonly &&
this.openElementValueObject.textContent !== element.code
) {
this.openElementValueObject.textContent = element.code;
this.$store.dispatch('processEditorStore/setScriptOfElement', {
script: element.code,
elId: this.openElementId,
elType: this.selectedElement.type,
change: element.change,
* Gets all sequenceFlows and scriptTasks from other processes
async loadOtherElements() {
const promises = this.processes.map(async (process) => {
const bpmn = await this.$store.getters['processStore/xmlById'](process.id);
const xmlDom = new DOMParser().parseFromString(bpmn, 'application/xml');
const scriptTasks = Array.from(xmlDom.getElementsByTagName('scriptTask'));
return {
name: process.name,
id: process.id,
library: process.library || {
data: '',
capabilities: [],
readonly: true, // elements of other processes cannot be written in this IDE
elements: scriptTasks,
this.otherElements = await Promise.all(promises);
watch: {
* When the user selects a different element in the BPMN diagram,
* if it is a script task, open its code in the editor.
isOpen(isOpen) {
// all tasks available for open are in the
// first slot of the menuTree, since that's
// where the currently open process resides.
if (isOpen) {
if (this.selectedElement.type === 'bpmn:ScriptTask') {
const availableTasks = this.menuTree[0].elements;
// find menu item by id
const taskToSelect = R.find(R.propEq('id', this.selectedElement.id))(availableTasks);
// if exists, open it
if (taskToSelect) {
this.openElement = taskToSelect;
this.scriptEventCallback = ({ processDefinitionsId, elId, elType, script, change }) => {
// update the code visible in the editor if the currently selected element is updated but not editable (editable ones are handled in a subcomponent)
if (this.isOpen && elId === this.openElementId && this.openElementReadonly) {
this.openElementValueObject.textContent = script;
// trigger a reload of the modeler content
const tmp = this.openElement;
this.openElement = null;
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.openElement = tmp;
// add the callback to the eventHandler when the script editor is opened
eventHandler.on('processScriptChanged', this.scriptEventCallback);
} else {
if (this.scriptEventCallback) {
// remove callback from eventHandler when script editor is closed
eventHandler.off('processScriptChanged', this.scriptEventCallback);
this.scriptEventCallback = null;
async processes() {
mounted() {
.ide-container {
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
background-color: #ffffff;
.v-list__tile--active {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04);