* Transforms the given context into a JSON serializable form
* this form contains everything to restore the information on another client to apply the event in the same way
* @param {string} command the command that is supposed to be executed on another machine
* @param {object} context the information needed to execute the command
* @returns {object} - the transformed context
export function preSerialize(command, context) {
const preSerializedContext = {};
// prevent sending a force distribution flag to the other clients or we will get an infinite loop
context.forceDistribution = false;
// transform the different entries of the context into a form that allows to reproduce the original form on another device
// e.g. local objects can't be just serialized => replace with object id and then find the object by id on the other device
Object.entries(context).forEach(([key, info]) => {
switch (key) {
// replace all shapes with their ids
case 'shapes':
preSerializedContext.shapes = info.map((shape) => shape.id);
// allow creation of similar new Root by sending expected type and id
case 'newRoot':
preSerializedContext.newRoot = { type: info.type };
preSerializedContext.newRoot.businessObject = { id: info.id };
case 'connection':
if (command === 'connection.create') {
// allow creation of similar new connection by sending expected type and id
preSerializedContext.connection = { type: info.type, id: info.id };
// fall through to replacing the connection with its id
case 'newData':
case 'shape':
if (command === 'shape.create' || command === 'shape.replace') {
// allow creation of similar new shape by sending expected type and all necessary aditional information
preSerializedContext[key] = {
type: info.type,
x: info.x,
y: info.y,
height: info.height,
width: info.width,
isExpanded: info.isExpanded, // needed for subProcesses
businessObject: {
id: info.id,
cancelActivity: info.businessObject.cancelActivity, // needed for boundary events
triggeredByEvent: info.businessObject.triggeredByEvent, // needed for event subProcesses
if (info.isExpanded === false) {
preSerializedContext[key].collapsed = true; // needed for creation of collapsed subProcesses
if (info.businessObject) {
preSerializedContext[key].businessObject.name = info.businessObject.name;
if (info.businessObject.processRef) {
preSerializedContext[key].processRef = info.businessObject.processRef.id; // needed for participants
if (info.businessObject.dataObjectRef) {
preSerializedContext.dataObjectId = info.businessObject.dataObjectRef.id;
if (
info.businessObject.eventDefinitions &&
) {
preSerializedContext[key].eventDefinitionType = // needed for startEvents, boundaryEvents, endEvents
preSerializedContext.eventDefinitionId = info.businessObject.eventDefinitions[0].id;
if (info.businessObject.di && preSerializedContext[key].isExpanded === undefined) {
preSerializedContext[key].isExpanded = info.businessObject.di.isExpanded; // needed for subProcesses
if (info.type === 'bpmn:Lane') {
preSerializedContext.laneSetId = info.businessObject.$parent.id;
// for when we replace a non subProcess typed activity with a collapsed/expanded subProcess => startEvent implicitly created
// we need to make sure the start event gets the correct id on other clients
if (info.businessObject.flowElements && info.businessObject.flowElements.length === 1) {
if (info.businessObject.flowElements[0].$type === 'bpmn:StartEvent') {
preSerializedContext.subProcessStartEventId =
// replace all of the following with their id
case 'source':
case 'target':
if (info.businessObject.properties) {
preSerializedContext.targetPropertyIds = info.businessObject.properties.map(
(property) => property.id
case 'newSource':
case 'newTarget':
case 'oldShape':
case 'newParent':
case 'element':
// if we change the id we have to make sure to send the old id of the element to change
if (command === 'element.updateProperties' && context.properties.id) {
preSerializedContext.element = context.oldProperties.id;
case 'host':
if (!info) {
case 'parent':
preSerializedContext[key] = info.id;
case 'properties':
preSerializedContext[key] = {};
Object.entries(info).forEach(([propertyKey, propertyValue]) => {
if (propertyValue && typeof propertyValue === 'object' && propertyValue.id) {
preSerializedContext[key][propertyKey] = { id: propertyValue.id };
} else {
preSerializedContext[key][propertyKey] = propertyValue;
// everything else can just be serialized
preSerializedContext[key] = info;
return preSerializedContext;
* Transforms the serialized context back into a form that we can use to trigger an event similar to the original one
* @param {object} elementRegistry gives us functions to get elements in the modeler (shapes, processes, sequence flows)
* @param {object} elementFactory gives us functions to create modeler elements
* @param {object} bpmnFactory gives us functions to create the businessObjects of modeler elements
* @param {object} command the command we will execute
* @param {object} context the serialized context
* @returns {object} - the restored context
export function parse(elementRegistry, elementFactory, bpmnFactory, command, context) {
const parsedContext = {};
// restore every context entry to a usable form
Object.entries(context).forEach(([key, info]) => {
switch (key) {
// replace the ids for all shapes with the correct shapes
case 'shapes':
parsedContext.shapes = info.map((id) => elementRegistry.get(id));
// create a new Root with the correct attributes
case 'newRoot':
const bO = bpmnFactory.create(info.type, info.businessObject);
parsedContext.newRoot = elementFactory.createRoot({ ...info, businessObject: bO });
case 'connection':
if (command === 'connection.create') {
// create a new connection with the correct attributes
const businessObject = bpmnFactory.create(info.type, { id: info.id });
parsedContext.connection = elementFactory.createConnection({ ...info, businessObject });
if (context.changedBySubprocessId) {
const element = elementRegistry.get(context.changedBySubprocessId);
if (element && element.type !== 'bpmn:Process') {
parsedContext.connection.hidden = true;
// fall through to getting the existing connection by id
case 'newData':
case 'shape':
if (command === 'shape.create' || command === 'shape.replace') {
// create a new shape with the correct attributes
const businessObject = bpmnFactory.create(info.type, info.businessObject);
parsedContext[key] = elementFactory.createShape({ ...info, businessObject });
if (info.processRef) {
// we want to create a new participant with the correct referenced process (same id as original one)
const process = bpmnFactory.create('bpmn:Process', {
id: info.processRef,
parsedContext[key].businessObject.processRef = process;
if (context.changedBySubprocessId) {
const element = elementRegistry.get(context.changedBySubprocessId);
if (element && element.type !== 'bpmn:Process') {
parsedContext[key].hidden = true;
// fall through to getting the existing element by id
case 'source':
case 'target':
case 'newSource':
case 'newTarget':
case 'oldShape':
case 'newParent':
case 'element':
case 'host':
if (!info) {
case 'parent':
// get modeler element by id
parsedContext[key] = elementRegistry.get(info);
case 'newShape':
case 'properties':
parsedContext[key] = {};
Object.entries(info).forEach(([propertyKey, propertyValue]) => {
if (propertyValue && typeof propertyValue === 'object' && propertyValue.id) {
parsedContext[key][propertyKey] = elementRegistry.get(propertyValue.id).businessObject;
} else {
parsedContext[key][propertyKey] = propertyValue;
// everything else was just serialized and can be used as is
parsedContext[key] = info;
return parsedContext;