/* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */
* @module helpers
* @module constraint-helper
* @memberof module:helpers
* This function is meant to check for contradictions between task and process constraints before saving them in the modal
* @param taskConstraints
* @param processConstraints
* @returns {string}
export const getContradictionsMessage = ({ taskConstraints, processConstraints }) => {
if (!taskConstraints || !processConstraints) return '';
const contradictionMessages = [];
const processIPs = processConstraints
(pc) =>
((pc.unit && pc.unit === 'subIP') || pc.name.startsWith('machine.network')) &&
pc.condition === '=='
.map((pc) => pc.value);
const taskIPs = taskConstraints
(tc) =>
((tc.unit && tc.unit === 'subIP') || tc.name.startsWith('machine.network')) &&
tc.condition === '=='
.map((tc) => tc.value);
if (!processIPs.length && !taskIPs.length) return '';
[processIPs, taskIPs].forEach((level1, i1) => {
level1.forEach((ip) => {
if (ip === 'machine.host.ip') return;
[processIPs, taskIPs].forEach((level2, i2) => {
level2.forEach((otherIP) => {
if (ip === 'machine.host.ip') return;
if (otherIP !== ip) {
const a = otherIP.length < ip ? otherIP : ip;
const b = a === otherIP ? ip : otherIP;
if (!b.startsWith(a)) {
`The IP addresses of the ${
i1 !== i2 ? 'process and task ' : ''
}location constraints do not overlap.`
return contradictionMessages.length
? `Error: ${contradictionMessages[0]} Please change and try saving again.`
: '';
* This function generates a description string to display below a profile name
* @param {Object} profile
* @param {string} profile.name
* @param {string} profile.description
* @param {Object[]} profile.processConstraints
* @returns {string}
export const getConstraintDescription = (profile) => {
if (!profile) return '';
if (profile.description) return profile.description;
if (!profile.processConstraints) return 'no constraints selected';
let hardConstraints;
let softConstraints;
if (profile.processConstraints.hardConstraints) {
hardConstraints = profile.processConstraints.hardConstraints
.map((c) => c.name || c._attributes.id)
.join(', ');
if (profile.processConstraints.softConstraints) {
softConstraints = profile.processConstraints.softConstraints
.map((c) => c.name || c._attributes.id)
.join(', ');
return (hardConstraints ? 'hard:' : '').concat(
hardConstraints || '',
' ',
softConstraints ? 'soft:' : '',
softConstraints || ''