import jsPDF from 'jspdf';
import JSZip from 'jszip';
import Viewer from 'bpmn-js/lib/Viewer';
import { getExporterName, getExporterVersion } from '@proceed/bpmn-helper';
import {
} from '@/frontend/helpers/process-export/export-preparation.js';
import uuid from 'uuid';
let viewerElement;
* Export selected processes to the selected format or a zip if we export multiple files.
* @param {Object[]} allProcesses all known processes to search for referenced call activities
* @param {Object[]} selectedProcesses - all processes that were selected for export
* @param {Object} selectedOption - selected export options
export async function exportSelectedProcesses(allProcesses, selectedProcesses, selectedOption) {
// create name for the export file
let fileName = 'PROCEED';
if (selectedProcesses.length === 1) {
const [{ name }] = selectedProcesses;
fileName = `${fileName}_${getCleanedUpName(name)}`;
} else {
fileName = `${fileName}_Multiple-Processes`;
// deep copy to prevent updating the original process objects
selectedProcesses = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(selectedProcesses));
const processesToExport = await prepareProcesses(allProcesses, selectedProcesses, selectedOption);
// create the files to export
const { exportFile, exportFormat } = await getExportFile(processesToExport, selectedOption);
// gives hint which kind of files are exported when exporting a zip file
const fileNameSuffix = exportFormat !== selectedOption.format ? `_${selectedOption.format}` : '';
//Download single file
triggerExport(`${fileName}${fileNameSuffix}.${exportFormat}`, exportFile);
* Checks if we have to export more than one file which means we have to use a zip file
* @param {Object[]} processesToExport the process(es) we want to export
* @param {Object} options the export options (e.g. which file format to export to)
* @returns {Boolean} if the export has to be in form of a zip
function needZipExport(processesToExport, options) {
// we have to use a zip file to export more than one process
if (processesToExport.length > 1) {
return true;
} else if (options.format === 'pdf') {
// the pdf contains all the information needed for one process
return false;
const [exportProcess] = processesToExport;
// we need to use a zip if we want to export user tasks along with the process bpmn
if (exportProcess.userTasks && Object.keys(exportProcess.userTasks).length) {
return true;
// we don't import callActivities and subprocesses into the directory of the process containing them on a bpmn export
// call activities are imported into their own directory and should lead to the first check being true
if (options.format !== 'bpmn') {
// we need to use a zip if we want to export subprocesses info along with the process info
if (exportProcess.callActivities && exportProcess.callActivities.length) {
return true;
if (exportProcess.collapsedSubprocesses && exportProcess.collapsedSubprocesses.length) {
return true;
return false;
* Creates the file we want to export
* @param {Object[]} processesToExport the processes we want to export and their information
* @param {Object} options the selected export options
* @returns {Promise.<Object>} the file to export
async function getExportFile(processesToExport, options) {
//Creating temporary element for BPMN Viewer
viewerElement = document.createElement('div');
//Assiging process id to temp element and append to DOM = 'canvas_' + uuid.v4();
//Initiate BPMN Viewer
let viewer = new Viewer({ container: '#' + });
let exportFile;
let exportFormat;
if (needZipExport(processesToExport, options)) {
exportFormat = 'zip';
exportFile = await getExportZip(processesToExport, viewer, options);
} else {
// export single file in the selected format
exportFormat = options.format;
exportFile = await getProcessFile(processesToExport[0], viewer, options);
//remove temporary viewer element from DOM
return { exportFile, exportFormat };
* Creates the zip file containing all the files we want from the export
* @param {Object[]} processesToExport the processes we want to export
* @param {Object} viewer a bpmn-io viewer
* @param {Object} options the selected export options
* @returns {Promise.<Object>} the zip file to export
async function getExportZip(processesToExport, viewer, options) {
const zip = new JSZip();
// add directory for every process
for (process of processesToExport) {
await createProcessContainer(process, viewer, options, zip);
return await zip.generateAsync({ type: 'blob' });
* Creates a pdf in case of pdf export or a zip directory in case we export multiple non pdf files
* will add the pdf to the given optionally given zip
* @param {Object} process the process to export
* @param {Object} viewer the bpmn-js process viewer
* @param {Object} options the selected export options
* @param {Object} [zip] the zip we want to create the container in in case of multi process export
* @returns {Promise.<Object>} either a zip directory or a pdf file
async function createProcessContainer(process, viewer, options, zip) {
// create a valid name for the directory the process is stored in
const processFolderName = getCleanedUpName(;
let container;
// create a pdf file or a zip directory
if (options.format === 'pdf') {
// initialize Pdf Object
const pdf = new jsPDF({
orientation: 'l',
unit: 'mm',
format: 'a4',
compressPdf: true,
//Delete Default Page from Pdf
container = pdf;
} else if (zip) {
// create a directory for the process
container = zip.folder(processFolderName);
} else {
throw new Error('Unallowed use of createProcessContainer!');
// add the main process file
await addFile(container, process, viewer, options);
await addAdditionalContent(container, process, viewer, options);
// create the final pdf file
if (options.format === 'pdf') {
container = container.output('blob');
// add the pdf to the optional zip
if (zip) {
zip.file(`${processFolderName}.pdf`, container);
return container;
* Adds a file to the given pdf/zip directory
* @param {Object} container either a pdf file or a zip directory
* @param {Object} process the process we want to create a file of
* @param {Object} viewer the viewer to get image data from
* @param {Object} options the selected export options
async function addFile(container, process, viewer, options) {
let file = await getProcessFile(process, viewer, options, container);
const fileName = getCleanedUpName( || process.elementId);
if (options.format !== 'pdf') {
addZipFile(container, fileName, file, options);
* Adds optional content to the pdf/directory (e.g. User Tasks for bpmn export or called processes for image exports)
* @param {Object} container a pdf or zip directory
* @param {*} process
* @param {*} viewer
* @param {*} options
async function addAdditionalContent(container, process, viewer, options) {
if (options.format === 'bpmn') {
createUserTasks(container, process);
} else {
// create image files for all subprocesses and callActivities
if (process.collapsedSubprocesses && Array.isArray(process.collapsedSubprocesses)) {
for (const subprocess of process.collapsedSubprocesses) {
await addFile(container, subprocess, viewer, options);
if (process.callActivities && Array.isArray(process.callActivities)) {
for (const callActivity of process.callActivities) {
await addFile(container, callActivity, viewer, options);
await addAdditionalContent(container, callActivity, viewer, options);
* Adds a file to the given directory inside the zip
* @param {Object} processFolder the directory the file will be added to
* @param {Object} fileName the name to be used for the zip file
* @param {Object} file the content of the new zip file
* @param {Object} options the selected export options
function addZipFile(processFolder, fileName, file, options) {
// tells jszip that the given file is base64 encoded (needed for png)
let fileOptions =
options.format === 'png'
? {
base64: true,
: {};
// create the file and add it to the directory
processFolder.file(`${fileName}.${options.format}`, file, fileOptions);
* Creates a single file for a process
* @param {Object} process the process from which we want to create the file
* @param {Object} viewer a bpmn-js viewer
* @param {Object} options the selected export options
* @param {Boolean} [container] pdf or zip directory the file will be added to
* @returns {Promise.<Object|String>} the file or string with the process information
async function getProcessFile(process, viewer, options, container) {
// Import the process into the viewer to allow image creation
await viewer.importXML(process.bpmn);
switch (options.format) {
case 'bpmn':
if (!container) {
return new Blob([process.bpmn], {
type: 'application/bpmn+xml',
} else {
return process.bpmn;
case 'svg':
return getSVG(viewer, container);
case 'png':
return await getPNG(viewer, container, options.additionalParam.resolution);
// either add to existing pdf or initialize pdf
if (container) {
return await addToPDF(container, viewer, process, options);
} else {
return await createProcessContainer(process, viewer, options);
* create PDF with Properties and Values
* @param {Object} pdf the pdf we want to add to
* @param {String} imageURI
* @param {Object} process the process we add the image for
* @param {Boolean} isHeadingRequested if the images in the pdf should be anotated
* @param {String} svgWidth
* @param {String} svgHeight
export function setPdfPropsAndValues(
) {
const { name, elementId, description = '', departments = [] } = process;
let keywords = 'BPMN';
// adding a new page, second parameter orientation: p - portrait, l - landscape
pdf.addPage([svgWidth, svgHeight], svgHeight > svgWidth ? 'p' : 'l');
//Getting PDF Documents width and height
const pdfWidth = pdf.internal.pageSize.getWidth() - 10;
const pdfHeight = pdf.internal.pageSize.getHeight() - 10;
//Setting pdf font size
//Adding Header to the Pdf
if (isHeadingRequested) {
let type = 'Process';
if (process.elementId) {
type = 'Subprocess';
pdf.text(10, 10, `${type}: ${name || elementId} \n`);
if (Array.isArray(departments)) {
const departmentsString = =>', ');
keywords =
`${departmentsString != '' ? departmentsString : departments.join(', ')}, ` + keywords;
//Adding Meta Information to the PDF
title: `${name}`,
subject: `${description}`,
keywords: keywords,
creator: `${getExporterName()} v${getExporterVersion()}`,
* Adding image to pdf document
* If isHeadingRequested is true then assign value to 'y-axis'
isHeadingRequested ? 10 : 0,
* Adds an image of a (sub)process to the given pdf
* @param {Object} pdf the pdf file to write to
* @param {Object} viewer the bpmn-js viewer to get the image data from
* @param {Object} process the (sub)process we want to create the pdf data from
* @param {Object} options the selected export options
* @returns {Promise.<Object>} the updated pdf file
export async function addToPDF(pdf, viewer, process, options) {
let { resolution } = options.additionalParam;
// create the image
let uri = await getPNG(viewer, false, resolution);
const isHeadingRequested = options.format ? true : false;
// get image dimensions
let svg = await getSVG(viewer, true);
let width = parseFloat(svg.split('width="')[1].split('"')[0]);
let height = 20 + parseFloat(svg.split('height="')[1].split('"')[0]);
// relevant for the server: if pdf.addImage throws an error, try again with minimum resolution
try {
setPdfPropsAndValues(pdf, uri, process, isHeadingRequested, width, height);
} catch (err) {
if (resolution !== 1) {
const pageCount = pdf.internal.getNumberOfPages();
options.resolution -= 1;
return await addToPDF(pdf, viewer, process, options);
return pdf;
* Creates a SVG from the modeler content
* @param {Object} viewer the bpmn-js viewer to get the data from
* @param {Boolean} isMultiDownload if the SVG will be added to some kind of container file
export async function getSVG(viewer, isMultiDownload) {
let svgBlob;
let svgFile;
try {
const { svg } = await viewer.saveSVG();
//Combining SVG and its content type
svgBlob = new Blob([svg], {
type: 'image/svg+xml',
svgFile = svg;
} catch (err) {
return isMultiDownload ? svgFile : svgBlob;
* Creates a png from the process in the viewer
* @param {Object} viewer the bpmn-js viewer to get the image from
* @param {Boolean} isMultiDownload if the png will be added to some kind of containing file
* @param {Number} resolution
* @returns {Promise.<String>} the png data
export function getPNG(viewer, isMultiDownload, resolution) {
let uri;
const DATA_URL_REGEX = /^data:((?:\w+\/(?:(?!;).)+)?)((?:;[\w\W]*?[^;])*),(.+)$/;
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let svg = await getSVG(viewer, true);
//Getting width and height from BPMN SVG
let width = svg.split('width="')[1].split('"')[0];
let height = svg.split('height="')[1].split('"')[0];
//Initiating Image Element
let image = new Image(width, height);
//Combining SVG and its content type
let svgString = new Blob([svg], { type: 'image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8' });
//Creating Canvas out of SVG
let canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
image.onload = () => {
for (let scale = resolution; scale >= 1; scale -= 1) {
try {
canvas.width = scale * image.width;
canvas.height = scale * image.height;
//Creating 2D Canvas
let ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
//prevent from bluring the pixels
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
ctx.scale(scale, scale);
//Drawing Image on Canvas
ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height);
//Getting URI for Image in PNG **Default = PNG
uri = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
if (DATA_URL_REGEX.test(uri)) {
const headerlessImage = uri.replace('data:image/png;base64,', '');
resolve(isMultiDownload ? headerlessImage : uri);
//Release Object URL, so browser dont keep reference
} catch (err) {}
//Takes BLOB, File and Media Source and returns object url
image.src = URL.createObjectURL(svgString);
* Creates user task directory and files in zip
* @param {Object} processFolder the directory in the zip to write to
export function createUserTasks(processFolder, process) {
const { userTasks } = process;
if (!userTasks) {
const userTaskIds = Object.keys(userTasks);
//Combining Process with its supporting files
if (userTaskIds.length > 0) {
//If its multi download then attach files to its specific folder else direct to zipObject
const userTaskFolder = processFolder.folder('User-Tasks');
//Combining Process with its supporting files
for (const userTaskId of userTaskIds) {
userTaskFolder.file(`${userTaskId}.html`, userTasks[userTaskId]);
* Handles the export of the created file
* @param {String} fileName name used to download file
* @param {String|Object} objectContent content, either as Blob or objectURL DOMString
export async function triggerExport(fileName, objectContent) {
// check if objectContent is an objectURL
// otherwise create a blob, for the following reason:
const objectURL =
typeof objectContent === 'string'
? URL.createObjectURL(await fetch(objectContent).then((res) => res.blob()))
: URL.createObjectURL(objectContent);
// Creating Anchor Element to trigger download feature
const aLink = document.createElement('a');
// Setting anchor tag properties = 'none'; = fileName;
aLink.href = objectURL;
// Setting anchor tag to DOM
// Release Object URL, so browser dont keep reference