* @module helpers
* @module script-editor-helper
* @memberof module:helpers
* Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not
* be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for
* N milliseconds. If `immediate` is passed, trigger the function on the
* leading edge, instead of the trailing.
* Taken from UnderscoreJS, modified slightly.
* @param func
* @param wait
* @param immediate
* @returns {Function}
export function debounce(func, wait, immediate) {
let timeout;
return (...args) => {
const context = this;
const later = () => {
timeout = null;
if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
const callNow = immediate && !timeout;
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
if (callNow) func.apply(context, args);
* Returns how many lines exist in the text passed.
* @param text
* @returns {*}
export function countLineNumbers(text) {
return text.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/).length;
* Parses a parameter string and returns an array of parameter names.
* @param paramString
* @returns {Array}
export function parseParamString(paramString) {
const regex = /['"]?([\w:/.\-_?&+%]+)['"]?\s*:/gm;
let m;
const params = [];
do {
m = regex.exec(paramString);
if (m !== null && m.index === regex.lastIndex) {
regex.lastIndex += 1;
// parameter name is in second group, if it exists
if (m !== null && m[1]) {
} while (m !== null);
return params;
* Parse the javascript code to find out which
* capabilites are being used.
* @param code
* @returns {Array}
export function parseCapabilitiesFromCode(code) {
// regex to find capabilities
// matching both startCapability and startTask for now!
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
const regex =
const capabilities = [];
let m;
// find all capabilities
do {
m = regex.exec(code);
if (m !== null && m.index === regex.lastIndex) {
regex.lastIndex += 1;
if (m !== null && m[1]) {
const capabilityName = m[1];
// add capability to capabilities object
const capability = {
name: capabilityName,
parameters: [],
line: countLineNumbers(code.substring(0, m.index)),
// parse parameters, try to find which ones are used
if (m[2]) {
capability.parameters = parseParamString(m[2]);
// add to all
} while (m);
return capabilities;
* is there a getService('{service}') in the code
function isServiceAdded(code, service) {
return code.includes(`getService('${service}')`);
* Creates a string of a sample parameter object for a given capability.
* Uses default values wherever possible.
* @param capability
* @returns {string}
export function createCapabilityParameterString(capability) {
return capability.parameters.length
? `{\n${capability.parameters.map((e) => getSingleParameterString(e)).join(',\n')}\n}`
: '';
* Help function to create a string of a single parameter
* @param {*} capability
function getSingleParameterString(e) {
let paramString = `\t${e.schema ? `'${e.schema}'` : e.name}: `;
if (e.subTypes) {
paramString = `${paramString}{ `;
e.subTypes.forEach((subType) => {
paramString = `${paramString}${subType.schema ? `'${subType.schema}'` : subType.name}: ${
}, `;
paramString = paramString.substring(0, paramString.length - 2);
paramString = `${paramString} }`;
return paramString;
} else {
return `${paramString}${e.default ? e.default : 'null'}`;
* Returns the function call for the capability, ready to be pasted into an editor.
* @param capability
* @returns {string}
export function createCapabilityFunctionString(capability, code) {
const result = isServiceAdded(code || '', 'capabilities')
? ''
: `const capabilities = getService('capabilities');\n`;
const params = createCapabilityParameterString(capability);
return `${result}
const ${
capability.name.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + capability.name.slice(1)
}Result = await capabilities.startCapability('${
capability.schema ? capability.schema : capability.name
}'${params ? `, ${params}` : ''});`;
* Checks if the given set of parameters satisfies a capability.
* @param capability: object describing capability
* @param parameters: array of strings of parameter names
* @return boolean
export function isCapabilitySuitableForParameters(capability, parameters) {
// check what parameters are required
const requiredParameters = capability.parameters
? capability.parameters.filter((param) => param.required)
: [];
// if no parameters required, it's a candidate
if (requiredParameters.length === 0) {
return true;
// check if parameters have every single required one
return requiredParameters.every(
(requiredParameter) =>
parameters.includes(requiredParameter.name) || parameters.includes(requiredParameter.schema)
* Create the string to be pasted into the editor to get a process variable.
* @param variable
* @returns {string}
export function createVariableGetFunctionString() {
return `variable.get('');\n`;
* Create the string to be pasted into the editor to set a process variable.
* @param variable
* @returns {string}
export function createVariableSetFunctionString(variable) {
return `variable.set('', );\n`;
* Check if the code has a "next()" function call.
* @param code
* @returns Boolean
export function hasNextCall(code) {
const res = /next\s*?\((?:.|\n)*?\);?/gm.exec(code);
return res && res.length;
* Returns the capability element which matches either the name or the schema URI.
* @param capabilities
* @param name
* @returns {*}
export function findCapabilitiesByName(capabilities, name) {
// name can be PhotographAction => capability.name or https://www.schema.org/PhotographAction => capability.schema
return capabilities.filter(
(capability) => capability.name === name || capability.schema === name